Table 1.
Cultivar | Species | Release year | Institution |
Kennedy | U. ruziziensis | 1966 | QHPLC |
Marandu | U. brizantha | 1984 | Embrapa |
La Libertad (MG-4) | U. brizantha | 1987 | ICA |
Basilisk | U. decumbens | 1996 | CSIR (now CSIRO) |
Mulato I | Hybrid of U. ruziziensis and U. brizantha | 2000 | CIAT |
Xaraés | U. brizantha | 2003 | Embrapa |
Mulato II | Hybrid of U. ruziziensis, U. brizantha and U. decumbens | 2005 | CIAT |
BRS Piatã | U. brizantha | 2006 | Embrapa |
BRS Tupi | U. humidicola | 2009 | Embrapa |
BRS Paiaguás | U. brizantha | 2013 | Embrapa |
Mixe Drwn 12 | Hybrid of U. ruziziensis and U. brizantha | 2013 | Bramixe, S.A. de C.v |
Mixe LN 45 | Hybrid of U. ruziziensis and U. brizantha | 2013 | Bramixe, S.A. de C.v |
Braúna MG 13 | U. brizantha | 2014 | Comércio e Indústria Matsuda Importadora e Exportadora LTDA |
BRS RB331 Ipyporã | Hybrid of U. ruziziensis and U. brizantha | 2017 | Embrapa |
BRS Ybaté | U. brizantha | 2020 | Embrapa |
BRS Integra | U. ruziziensis | 2020 | Embrapa |
Cayana | Hybrid of U. ruziziensis and U. brizantha | 2020 | Barenbrug do Brasil Sementes LTDA |
Convert 330 | Hybrid of U. ruziziensis and U. brizantha | 2021 | Barenbrug do Brasil Sementes LTDA |
BARG156 780 J | Hybrid of U. ruziziensis and U. brizantha | 2021 | Barenbrug do Brasil Sementes LTDA |
Source: Embrapa and MAPA. CIAT, International Center for Tropical Agriculture; CSIR, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, now CSIRO; CSIRO, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization; Embrapa, Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation; ICA, Institute of Agricultural Sciences at the Federal University of Minas Gerais; MAPA, Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply; QHPLC, Queensland Herbage Plant Liaison Committee.