Table 2.
U. brizantha | U. decumbens | U. humidicola | U. ruziziensis | |
Common name | Bread grass/Palisade grass | Signal grass | Koronivia grass | Congo grass/Ruzi grass |
Natural Distribution | Tropical Africa | Central and East Africa | East and South-East Africa | East of the Democratic Republic of the Congo; Rwanda and Burundi |
Chromosome number and ploidy level | 2n = 4x = 36 | 2n = 4x = 36 | 2n = 6x, 7x or 9x = 36 to 54 | 2n = 2x = 18 |
Genome Size (Gpb) | 1.4 | 1.6 | 1.9 | 0.6 |
Predominant reproductive system | Facultative apomixis | Facultative apomixis | Facultative apomixis | Sexual |
General morphology | Rachis narrow, crescentic; spikelets borne in a single row; glumes and lower lemma with cartilaginous texture; erect, tufted growth habit and longer leaf blades; inflorescences with 2 to 12 racemes; height in the range of 1.5 to 2.5 m. | Rachis ribbon-like; upper lemma nipped at the tip; spikelets borne in two rows; glumes and lower lemma with membranous texture; decumbent growth habitat and with lanceolate leaf blades; height in the range of 0.6 to 1 m. | Rachis very narrow, almost triquetrous; upper lemma nipped at the tip; stoloniferous growth habit; wiry culms, and three racemes in the inflorescence; height up to 1 m. | Rachis broadly winged; upper lemma striate; spikelets borne in two rows; glumes and lower lemma with a membranous texture; decumbent habitat with lanceolate leaf blades; inflorescences with 3 to 6 racemes. |
Positive attributes | High productivity; tolerance to spittlebugs; drought resistance; good quality forage; ability to grow in shade. | Good performance under shade; high productivity under intense use; tolerance to aluminum; low fertility; good forage quality. | Adaptation to low-fertility and flood soils; some spittlebug resistance; strongly stoloniferous habit with ability to root at stolon nodes. | Fast growth early in the wet season; high seed production potential; good quality forage; ease of establishment. |
Negative attributes | Need for moderately fertile soils; low adaptation to poorly drained soils; susceptibility to foliar blight. | Susceptibility to spittlebug and foliar blight; toxin production (sporidesmin); low adaptation to poorly drained soils. | Low seed production at low altitudes; low dry matter digestibility; susceptibility to rust infection. | Low competitiveness with weeds; susceptible to spittlebug and foliar blight; need for well-drained fertile soils. |
The data are based on the information provided by Rao et al. (1996), Renvoize et al. (1996) and Simeão et al. (2021).