TaCYP78A5 overexpression affects auxin‐related pathways and causes auxin accumulation. WT, wild‐type wheat; pINO‐1,‐13,‐24, transgenic wheat lines overexpressing TaCYP78A5 driven by INO promoter. (a–c) Expression changes of genes associated with cell wall metabolism (a), IAA transduction and signalling (b), cell wall metabolism regulated by auxin(c). (d) The relative levels of auxin, auxin precursors and auxin conjugates in pINO lines compared to those of WT. The mean of WT was set to 100%. The contents of these substances were measured by ESI‐HPLC‐MS/MS, auxin/IAA, indole‐3‐acetic acid; IAAld, indole‐3‐acetaldehyde; IAA‐Phe, IAA‐phenylalanine; IAN, indole‐3‐acetonitrile; MeIAA, methyl‐IAA; oxIAA, 2‐oxoindole‐3‐acetic acid; TRA, tryptamine; Trp, tryptophan. (e–h) The correlation between the auxin concentration and the number of seed coat cells (e), Thousand‐grain weight (f), grain yield per plant (g) and biomass per plant (h) in pINO lines. Data are shown as the mean ± SE (n > 3), *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01 by Student’s t‐test.