Table 1.
Desk reviews and qualitative interviews conducted by ORCA thematic groups and other background information, Ethiopia, 2019/2020
Characteristics | Desk review (n=70) |
Qualitative interviews (n=117) |
Gender | ||
Male | 75 (64%) | |
Female | 42 (36%) | |
Health facilities/offices visited | ||
Health post | 45 (64%) | 35 (30%) |
Health centre | 16 (23%) | 33 (28%) |
District hospital | 1 (1%) | 2 (2%) |
District health offices | 8 (11%) | 21 (18%) |
Zonal health office | 0 (0%) | 1 (1%) |
Regional health office | 0 (0%) | 17 (15%) |
Federal ministry of health | 0 (0%) | 8 (7%) |
Region | ||
Tigray | 5 (7%) | 15 (13%) |
Afar | 19 (27%) | 37 (32%) |
Oromia | 17 (24%) | 25 (21%) |
SNNPR | 29 (41%) | 32 (27%) |
National | 0 (0%) | 8 (7%) |
Thematic group | ||
Maternal health* | 12 (17%) | 18 (15%) |
Neonatal Survival† | 17 (24%) | 14 (12%) |
Immunization‡ | 9 (13%) | 12 (10%) |
Child nutrition§ | 9 (13%) | 25 (21%) |
Malaria¶ | 6 (9%) | 17 (15%) |
Tuberculosis** | 17 (24%) | 31 (27%) |
*First antenatal care, fourth antenatal care, postnatal care and skilled delivery.
†Early institutional death (0–6 days), early community death (0–6 days), live birth in Kebele.
‡Pentavalent vaccine third dose, Measles, fully vaccinated.
§Vitamin A supplementation, deworming, severe acute malnutrition, growth monitoring promotion.
¶Suspected malaria, positive malaria, all malaria.
**New and relapse tuberculosis, and treated tuberculosis.
ORCA, operational research and coaching for analysts; SNNPR, Southern Nations Nationalities and Peoples Region.