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. 2007 Oct 17;2007(4):CD003181. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD003181.pub2

Picciotto 1994.

Methods Generation of allocation sequence: unclear (no description). 
 Allocation concealment: adequate (sealed envelopes). 
 Double blinding: inadequate (not blinding). 
 Sample size calculation: no information. 
 Follow up: adequate (two patients in each group). 
 Intention‐to‐treat analysis: yes.
Participants Country: Italy. 
 Type of hepatitis: chronic hepatitis C. 
 ‐ anti‐HCV positive; 
 ‐ biopsy‐proven chronic hepatitis; 
 ‐ ALT activities persistently greater than two times the upper normal limit. 
 ‐ autoimmune hepatitis, alcoholic‐ or drug‐related liver diseases, hemochromatosis, Wilson's disease, or alpha‐1‐antitrypsin deficiency; 
 ‐ bilirubin levels > three mg/dl, albumin levels< three g/dL, prothrombin time > three seconds longer than that of normal value, serum creatinine levels > 1.7 mg%, platelet count < 100,000/µl, granulocyte count < 1500/µl. 
 ‐ TUDCA plus IFN group (n = 30): 
 Mean age (years+/‐ SD) 
 Ratio of sex (M/F) 
 ‐ IFN group (n = 30): 
 Mean age (years+/‐ SD) 
 Ratio of sex (M/F) 
Interventions TUDCA plus IFN group: 
 ‐ Dose: 500 mg/day; 
 ‐ Route: orally; 
 ‐ Timing: two times a day; 
 ‐ Duration: nine months. 
 IFN alpha‐2b 
 ‐ Dose: three million units; 
 ‐ Route: subcutaneously; 
 ‐ Timing: three times per week; 
 ‐ Duration: six months.
IFN group: 
 IFN alpha‐2b 
 ‐ Dose: three million units; 
 ‐ Route: subcutaneously; 
 ‐ Timing: three times per week; 
 ‐ Duration: six months.
Outcomes ‐ Normalisation of serum ALT at the end of treatment and follow‐up.
Notes Follow‐up time: three months after the end of IFN treatment.
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Allocation concealment? Low risk A ‐ Adequate