Figure 4 |. MIPS521 stabilises the A1R-Gi2 ternary complex.
a-d, RMSD (Å) of ADO from GaMD simulations completed in the (a) absence or (b) presence of MIPS521, (c) Gi2, or (d) both Gi2 and MIPS521. e-h, Distance between the intracellular ends of TM3 and TM6 (measured as the distance in Å between Arg1053.50 and Glu2296.30) in the (e) absence or (f) presence of MIPS521, (g) Gi2, or (h) both Gi2 and MIPS521. Each condition represents three GaMD simulations, with each simulation trace displayed in a different colour (black, red, blue). The lines depict the running average over 2 ns. i, MIPS521 has no effect on the dissociation rate of [3H]DPCPX, promoted by isotopic dilution with excess antagonist, SLV320 (1 μM; Control), at the A1R alone reconstituted in rHDL. Addition of a saturating concentration of Gi results in a retardation of [3H]DPCPX dissociation that is reduced by co-addition of MIPS521. Data is mean ± SEM, n = 3-5 j, Quantification of dissociation rates from traces. Data is mean ± SEM, n ≥ 3 experiments performed in duplicate. *P < 0.05 (compared to control; one-way ANOVA, Tukey’s post hoc test). #P < 0.05 (compared to control in the presence of Gi2; one-way ANOVA, Tukey’s post hoc test).