Figure 1.
Final structural equation model after trimming of non-significant paths. Neurocognition, social cognition, resilience, and SLOF are latent variables (with arrows pointing to their respective indicators). PANSS POS, PANSS DISORG, BNSS avolition, neurocognition, and incentives are independent predictors. Social cognition, functional capacity, internalized stigma, resilience, and service engagement are mediators, and SLOF is the dependent variable. PANSS, Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale; POS, positive; DISORG, disorganization; BNSS, Brief Negative Symptom Scale; EE, poor emotional expression; AVOL, avolition; PROC SPEED, processing speed; ATTN, attention; WORK MEM, working memory; VERB MEM, verbal memory; VIS MEM, visuospatial memory; PROBL SOLV, problem solving; TASIT, The Awareness of Social Inference Test; MSCEIT, Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test; PERC. SELF, perception of self; PERC. FUTURE, perception of the future; SOCIAL COMPET, social competence; SLOF, Specific Level of Functioning; PERS, skills in self-care; ACTIV, community activities; ACC, social acceptability; INTER, interpersonal relationships; WORK, working abilities.