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. 2021 Dec 14;12:740420. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2021.740420

Table 1.

Demographic data of subjects.

Variables Control Low sCD163 group High sCD163 group P-value Control P-value Low
(n =78) (n = 150) (n = 150) vs. patients vs. High
Age, Mean (SD) 62.86 (10.89) 64.83 (9.20) 65.16 (9.34) 0.082 0.756a
Male, No. (%) 48 (61.54) 95 (63.33) 75 (50.00) 0.520 0.027b
BMI, Median (IQR) 23.85 (22.28, 25.33) 24.68 (23.14, 25.76) 24.19 (22.96, 25.37) 0.029 0.086c
Smoking history, No. (%) 7 (8.97) 11 (7.33) 16 (10.67) 0.437 0.420b
Antiplatelet drug use, No. (%) 9 (11.54) 21 (14.00) 19 (12.67) 0.850 0.865b
Antithrombotic drug use, No. (%) 4 (5.13) 13 (8.67) 6 (4.00) 1.000 0.153b
Family history of stroke, No. (%) 3 (3.85) 9 (6.00) 9 (6.00) 0.587 1.000b
   Hypertension, No. (%) 21 (26.92) 52 (34.67) 51 (34.00) 0.226 1.000b
   Diabetes Mellitus, No. (%) 13 (16.67) 26 (17.33) 23 (15.33) 1.000 0.755b
   Hypercholesteremia, No. (%) 6 (7.69) 9 (6.00) 19 (12.67) 0.825 0.072b
   Arial fibrillation, No. (%) 7 (8.97) 13 (8.67) 6 (4.00) 0.451 0.153b
DWI hyperintensity volume, ml (SD) NA 24.56 (8.86) 32.36 (7.53) NA 0.000 a
NIHSS at baseline, Median (IQR) NA 8 (3, 13) 15 (11.75, 19) NA 0.000c
NIHSS at follow-up, Median (IQR) NA 4 (1, 9) 6 (3, 7) NA 0.595c
mRS at follow-up, Median (IQR)
Stroke etiology
   Atherothrombotic, No. (%) NA 122 (81.33) 131 (87.33) NA 0.204b
   Cardioembolic, No. (%) NA 13 (8.67) 6 (4.00) NA 0.153b
   Lacunar, No. (%) NA 13 (8.67) 4 (2.67) NA 0.043b
   Unknown, No. (%) NA 2 (1.33) 9 (6.00) NA 0.061b
   Hemorrhagic transformation, No. (%) NA 3 (2.00) 7 (4.67) NA 0.335b
   Recurrent AIS, No. (%) NA 4 (2.67) 1 (0.67) NA 0.371b
rtPA treatment, No. (%) NA 13 (8.67) 16 (10.67) NA 0.697b
mRS scores, Median (IQR) NA 2 (0, 4) 3 (2, 3) NA 0.641c

IQR, Inter-Quartile Range; BMI, Body Mass Index; TICS, Telephone Interview of Cognitive Status 40; NIHSS, National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale; NA, not applicable.


Unpaired t-test;


Pearson χ2-test;


Mann-Whitney U-test. Bold values represents statistically significant.