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. 2021 Dec 28;2021(12):CD010622. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD010622.pub2
Study ID Intervention and comparator % women Age (mean/range years (SD)) Comedications / Cointerventions / Comorbidities
Albino 2010 I1: 0.1 mg rhTSH + radioiodine (1.11 GBq) 88 62 (44 to 74) All participants were advised to follow a low‐iodine diet, starting 2 weeks prior to the administration of the diagnostic and therapeutic activities of radioiodine
I2: 0.01 mg rhTSH + radioiodine (1.11 GBq) 100 61 (52 to 72)
C: placebo and radioiodine (1.11 GBq) 88 60 (33 to 72)
Bonnema 2007 I: 0.3 mg rhTSH + radioiodine (aiming at a thyroid dose of 100 Gy) 71 57 (42 to 84)
C: isotonic saline + radioiodine (aiming at a thyroid dose of 100 Gy) 80 65 (37 to 87)
Cubas 2009 I1: 0.005 mg rhTSH + radioiodine (1.11 GBq) 100 60 (48 to 73) None of the participants had serious medical conditions and all of them had subclinical hyperthyroidism (which was treated with methimazole), or were euthyroid
I2: 0.1 mg rhTSH + radioiodine (1.11 GBq) 100 61 (49 to 73)
C: placebo and radioiodine (1.11 GBq) 80 62 (45 to 86)
Fast 2010 I: 0.1 mg rhTSH + radioiodine (50 Gy) 83 52 (22 to 83) —
C: placebo + radioiodine (100 Gy) 93 55 (27 to 78) —
Fast 2014 I1: 0.01 mg rhTSH + radioiodine (100 Gy) 97 57.3 (10.2)
I2: 0.03 mg rhTSH + radioiodine (100 Gy) 76 56.9 ± 10.3
C: placebo and radioiodine (100 Gy) 84 57.5 (8.7)
Nielsen 2006 I: 0.3 mg rhTSH + radioiodine (calculated based on thyroid size, thyroid 131I uptake, and 131I half‐life) 86 52 (32 to 68) 6% of participants had previous thyroidectomy
C: placebo + radioiodine (calculated based on thyroid size, thyroid 131I uptake, and 131I half‐life) 93 52 (26 to 77) 5% of participants had previous thyroidectomy
—: denotes not reported
131I: radioactive iodine; C: comparator; GBq: giga Becquerel; Gy: Gray; I: intervention; rhTSH: recombinant human thyrotropin; SD: standard deviation