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. 2021 Dec 28;2021(12):CD010622. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD010622.pub2
Study ID Intervention(s) and comparator(s) Participants included in analysis
(N) Deaths
(N) Deaths
(% of participants) Participants with at least one adverse event
(N) Participants with at least one adverse event
(%) Participants with at least one severe/serious adverse event
(N) Participants with at least one severe/serious adverse event
Albino 2010 I1: 0.1 mg rhTSH + radioiodine (1.11 GBq) 8 4 50
I2: 0.01 mg rhTSH + radioiodine (1.11 GBq) 6 0 0 4 66.7
C: placebo and radioiodine (1.11 GBq) 8 0 0 3 37.5
Bonnema 2007 I: 0.3 mg rhTSH + radioiodine (aiming at a thyroid dose of 100 Gy) 14 12 85.7
C: isotonic saline + radioiodine (aiming at a thyroid dose of 100 Gy) 15 8 53.3
Cubas 2009 I1: 0.005 mg rhTSH + radioiodine (1.11 GBq) 9 0 0 6 66.6
I2: 0.1 mg rhTSH + radioiodine (1.11 GBq) 9 0 0 2 22.2
C: placebo and radioiodine (1.11 GBq) 10 1 10 4 40
Fast 2010 I: 0.1 mg rhTSH + radioiodine (50 Gy) 60 17 28.3
C: placebo + radioiodine (100 Gy) 30 10 33.3
Fast 2014 I1: 0.01 mg rhTSH + radioiodine (100 Gy) 30 26 86.7
I2: 0.03 mg rhTSH + radioiodine (100 Gy) 33 31 93.9
C: placebo and radioiodine (100 Gy) 32 27 84.4
Nielsen 2006 I: 0.3 mg rhTSH + radioiodine (calculated based on thyroid size, thyroid 131I uptake, and 131I half‐life) 28 16 53.6
C: placebo + radioiodine (calculated based on thyroid size, thyroid 131I uptake, and 131I half‐life) 29 10 34.5
—: denotes not reported
131I: radioactive iodine; C: comparator; GBq: giga Becquerel; Gy: Gray; I: intervention; rhTSH: recombinant human thyrotropin