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. 1999 Oct 25;1999(4):CD003274. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD003274

Busse 1998.

Methods Setting: multicentre study USA, hospital outpatient clinic 
 Randomisation: yes, method not stated 
 Allocation concealment: unclear 
 Design: parallel 
 Intervention period: 12 weeks 
 Masking: double‐blind 
 Excluded: not stated 
 Withdrawals: stated 
 Baseline characteristics: comparable 
 Jadad score=3
Participants Subjects: 473 adults: 217M 256F 
 Age range: 18 ‐ 70 years 
 Inclusion criteria: 
 Diagnosis of asthma (ATS criteria) for at least 6 months 
 15% reversibility of FEV1 with inhaled beta2 agonist or greater 
 Use of inhaled or inhaled and oral corticosteroids for at least 6 months 
 Use of BDP 300 ‐1000 mcg/d for one month prior to study 
 Exclusion criteria: 
 History of carcinoma or other significant disease 
 Use of injectable corticosteroids 
 Irregular use of oral corticosteroids
Interventions BUD: 
 1. 200 mcg/d 
 2. 400 mcg/d 
 3. 800 mcg/d 
 4. 1600 mcg/d 
 All treatments given twice daily in divided doses
Placebo: twice daily lactulose
Delivery device: Turbuhaler DPI
Outcomes Change in FEV1 compared to baseline 
 Change FVC compared to baseline 
 Change FEF25‐50 compared to baseline 
 Change morning PEFR compared to baseline 
 Change evening PEFR compared to baseline 
 Change daytime asthma symptom compared to baseline 
 Change nighttime asthma symptom compared to baseline 
 daily beta2 agonist use 
 Early morning plasma cortisol 
 Early morning plasma cortisol post ACTH
Notes No reply from author to clarify details concerning randomisation method or provide standard deviation values for clinic spirometry, diary card PEFR, symptom scores or plasma cortisol levels.
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Allocation concealment? Unclear risk B ‐ Unclear