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. 1999 Oct 25;1999(4):CD003274. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD003274
Study Reason for exclusion
Bisgaard 1990 Age range of children recruited 11 to 36 months
Bisgaard 1993 Age range of children recruited 10 to 36 months
Booms 1997 This study was designed to test the hypothesis that inhaled budesonide can alter the capacity of unlimited airway narrowing in those patients with asthma who have previously been demonstrated to exhibit this type of response to inhaled methacholine. A key inclusion criterion was the presence of unlimited airways narrowing in response to methacholine. All outcomes assessed were related to the shape of the methacholine dose response curve. It was felt that such outcomes were of uncertain clinical significance at the current time and therefore the study was excluded for this reason.
Clark 1997 Treatment period of less than one week
Connett 1993 Age range of children 1 to 3 years
Dahl 1982 Single dose study
de Blic 1996 Age of children under 2 years (infants), nebuliser delivery device.
Engel 1991 Single dose study
Essen Zandvliet 1993 Single dose study
Fuglsang 1995 This randomised trial was designed to assess the influence on the shape of the dose response curve after cumulative doses of inhaled terbutaline.
Heuck 1997a This study examined knemometric growth rates in children treated with budesonide. No other outcomes were assessed.
Ilangovan 1993 Nebulizer delivery device employed
Kidney 1997 Single dose study
Kozak‐Szkopek 1997 Study concerned with patients with chronic bronchitis, not asthma
Noble 1992 Age range of children recruited 4 to 17 months
Paggiaro 1994 Single dose study
Rocca 1996 All patients recieved budesonide via Pulmicort Turbohaler DPI throughout study. Patients were randomised to recieve either terbutaline via either an MDI or the Turbohaler DPI.
Shapiro 1998b Nebuliser delivery device used
Sutochnikova 1996 The study is described as randomised, however it is not clear from the English language translation of the paper if the control group received placebo or no intervention at all. Awaiting confirmation from author.
Van Bever 1990 Age range of children 3 to 17 months, nebuliser delivery device used.
Waalkens 1990 Not an RCT
Wilson 1995 This study examined the effects of continuous prophylactic inhaled budesonide in preventing recurrent acute episodes of viral induced episodic wheeze in pre‐school children. It is not using a population of children with defined 'asthma'
Wilson 1998 Placebo arm not randomised
Wolthers 1998 This randomised controlled trial assessed the effects of budesonide versus placebo on serum osteocalcin levels in asthmatic children. The effects of inhaled corticosteroids on bone metabolism are being addressed by another review. 
 No other outcome measures were assessed.
Yates 1998 Single dose study