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. 2021 Dec 3;27(12):1084–1097. doi: 10.1089/acm.2021.0133

Table 1.

Summary of Included Studies

Author (year) Country Symptoms Study design Sample size Period (weeks) Protocol Significant result Included in meta-analysis AEs
 Hershman (2018) United States Joint pain VA vs. SA vs. WL 110/59/27 6 SS Yes (VAa vs. SA); yes (VAa vs. WL) Yes No serious AE. Grade 1 AE (n = 61) and grade 2 AE (n = 16) were reported in VA group. Grade 1 AE (n = 22) and grade 2 AE (n = 10) were reported in SA group.
 Mao (2014) United States Joint pain VA (EA) vs. SA vs. WL 22/22/23 8 SS Yes (EAa vs. WL); yes (SAa vs. WL) Yes No serious AE. The EA group had more AEs reported than the SA group (16 vs. 4). A major category of AEs reported in the EA group was related to the de qi sensation (n = 6)
 Bao (2013) United States Joint pain VA vs. SA 23/24 8 ST No (VA vs. SA) No Not reported.
 Oh (2013) Australia Joint pain VA (EA) vs. SA 15/14 6 ST No (EA vs. SA) No No serious AE. Only minor bruising on acupuncture points (n = 5).
 Crew (2010) United States Joint pain VA vs. SA 20/18 6 SS Yes (VAa vs. SA) Yes No serious AE. Only 3 participants thought that acupuncture was moderately painful (TA, n_2; SA, n_1).
Hot flashes
 Lesi (2016) Italy Hot flashes VA vs. UC 85/105 12 I Yes (VAa vs. UC) Yes No serious AE. Twelve patients in the acupuncture arm experienced mild AEs (muscle pain, headache, and one menstrual bleed).
 Mao (2015) United States Hot flashes VA (EA) vs. SA vs. PP vs. gabapentin 30/32/30/28 8 SS Yes (SAa vs. PP); yes (EAa vs. PP); no (gabapentin vs. PP) Yes No serious AE. Five mild AE (4 bruising, 1 increased pain) in VA group, 1 in SA group.
 Bao (2014) United States Hot flashes; sleep; depression VA vs. SA 23/24 8 ST No (Hot flashes, sleep, mood: VA vs. SA) No Not reported.
 Bokmand (2013) Denmark Hot flashes; sleep disturbance VA vs. SA vs. UC 60/62/34 5 ST Yes (Hot flashes, sleep: VAa vs. SA); yes (Hot flashes, sleep: VAa vs. UC); no (Hot flashes, sleep: SA vs. UC) No Not reported.
 Liljegren (2012) Sweden Hot flashes VA vs. SA 42/42 5 ST No (VA vs. SA) Yes No serious AE. Two minor events, a slight bleeding and a bruise at the
needle site were reported in the sham group.
 Walker (2010) United States Hot flashes; depression VA vs. venlafaxine 25/25 12 ST No (Hot flashes, mood: VA vs. venlafaxine) No Not reported.
 Hervik (2009) Norway Hot flashes VA vs. SA 30/29 10 ST Yes (VAa vs. SA) Yes Not reported.
 Frisk (2008) Sweden Hot flashes VA (EA) vs. HT 23/18 12 ST Yes (EA vs. HTa) Yes No serious AE.
 Deng (2007) United States Hot flashes VA vs. SA 42/30 4 ST No (VA vs. SA) Yes Only very minor adverse effects, such as slight bleeding or bruising
at the needle site, were reported, and none required further medical
intervention. A total of 14 grade 1 AEs (of about 560
acupuncture sessions) were recorded by 12 participants as definitely,
probably, or likely due to a study intervention.
 Nedstrand (2006) Sweden Hot flashes; depression VA (EA) vs. applied relaxation 19/19 12 ST No (hot flashes, mood: EA vs. applied relaxation) Yes Not reported.
 Mao (2014) United States Fatigue; sleep; depression VA (EA) vs. SA vs. WL 22/22/23 8 SS Yes (fatigue, depression, anxiety: EAa vs. WL); no (fatigue, sleep, anxiety: SA vs. WL) Yes Not reported.
 Deng (2013) United States Fatigue; depression VA vs. SA 47/50 6 ST No (fatigue, depression: VA vs. SA) Yes A total of 11 serious AEs occurred during the study period, including bronchospasm (1), low blood counts (1), renal failure (2), secondary malignancy (1), nausea (1), vomiting (2), small bowel obstruction (1), dyspnea (1), and back pain (1). None of these events was deemed related to the study interventions because of the timing and characteristics of the symptoms, as well as the apparent alternative explanations for them.
 Smith (2013) Australia Fatigue VA vs. SA vs. WL 10/10/10 6 SS No (VA vs. SA); yes (VAa vs. WL) Yes Not reported.
 Molassiotis (2012) United Kingdom Fatigue; depression VA vs. UC 227/75 6 SS Yes (fatigue, depression: VAa vs. UC) Yes Not reported.
Sleep disturbance [also see Mao (2014); Bao (2014); Bokmand (2013)]  
 Garland (2017) United States Sleep disturbance VA (EA) vs. gabapentin 30/28 8 SS Yes (EAa vs. gabapentin) Yes Not reported.
 Frisk (2012) Sweden Sleep disturbance VA (EA) vs. HT 26/18 12 ST No (EA vs. HT) Yes No AE.
Depression [also see Mao (2014); Deng (2013); Bao (2013); Nedstrand (2006)]
 Lu (2020) United States Neuropathy VA+EA vs. UC 20/20 8 ST Yes (VA+EAa vs. UC) Yes No serious AE. 2 AEs in VA group (pruritis, joint pain)
 Greenlee (2016) United States Neuropathy VA (EA) vs. SA 31/32 6 ST No (EA vs. SA) Yes No serious AE. 1 AE in VA group (grade 1 acupuncture needle site reaction with discomfort, minor swelling, and bruising after acupuncture needle withdrawal)
 Bao (2018) United States Lymphedema VA vs. WL 36/37 6 ST No (VA vs. WL) Yes No serious AE. Grade 1 treatment-related AEs such as bruising (45), hematoma (2), pain (2), skin infection (1) were reported in patients who received at least one acupuncture (n = 77).
 Yao (2016) China Lymphedema VA+WA vs. diosmin 15/15 4 ST Yes (VA+WAa vs. diosmin) Yes No serious AE.
 Smith (2014) Australia Lymphedema VA vs. UC 9/8 8 ST No (VA vs. UC) No No serious AE.

Has more favor for effect.

AE, adverse event; EA, electroacupuncture; HT, hormone replacement therapy; I, individualized acupuncture protocol; PP, placebo pills; SA, sham acupuncture; SS, semistandardized acupuncture protocol; ST, standardized acupuncture protocol; UC, usual care; VA, verum acupuncture; WA, warm acupuncture; WL, waitlist control.