MYC repression requires Irf8 on specification of DC and monocyte (Mono) progenitors.
(A) Flow cytometry comparing gated populations in the BM of Irf8+/+MycGFP/GFP and Irf8−/−MycGFP/GFP mice. (B) Populations gated in A are labeled above, analyzed on the basis of CD117 and MYC-GFP expression for the indicated genotypes, and quantified. (C) Frequency of the populations defined in B on the basis of CD115 and CD135 expression, as labeled. The top panel with filled circles corresponds to CD117+MYC-GFP+ populations, and the bottom panel with open circles corresponds to the CD117−MYC-GFP− population. (D) Analysis of CD117 and MYC-GFP expression in the CLP from BM of the indicated genotypes. (E) As defined in D, the frequency of pre-pDCs within the CLP is analyzed on the basis of Ly6D and SiglecH expression. (F) Expression of CD117, MYC-GFP, analyzed for BM-pDCs. (H) Expression of CD117, MYC-GFG is analyzed for pre-cDC2s. (I) Expression of CD117, MYC-GFG is analyzed for cMoPs and monocytes. Numbers inside flow cytometry panels quantify the frequency of indicated populations as a percentage of the parent gate. All analysis is representative of populations in the BM of mice with the indicated genotypes. Data are representative of two independent experiments (n = 7 or 8).