FIG. 1.
HDAd5/3-CMVp-eGFP successfully transduces Müller cells and the ganglion cell/nerve fiber layers in cultured human retinal explants. Representative (N = 2 explants treated in duplicate per virus from 2 independent human donor eyes) fluorescent confocal micrographs showing eGFP (A, D; green) expression at 7-days post-transduction with HDAd5/3-CMVp-eGFP. Explants were immunocytochemically labeled with anti-Recoverin (B; RCVRN; red) or anti-Calretinin (E; red). Cell nuclei are counterstained with DAPI (blue). Merged (C, F) images showing all 3 fluorescent channels are also included. Scale bar in (A) = 200 μm. Abbreviations of retinal layers: GCL and GCL/NFL, INL, ONL, and photoreceptor IS/OS. GCL, ganglion cell layer; HDAd5, helper-dependent adenovirus serotype 5; INL, inner nuclear layer; IS/OS, inner segments and outer segments; NFL, nerve fiber layer; ONL, outer nuclear layer; RCVRN, Recoverin.