FIG. 4.
Chimeric HDAds only transduce the RPE after subretinal injection in rats. Representative [out of a total N = 6 (3 males and 3 females per vector) independently injected animals for each HDAd5/3 and HDAd5/35] fluorescent confocal micrographs showing eGFP (green) expression and labeling with anti-Recoverin (RCVRN; red) at 1-week postsubretinal injection of HDAd5/3-CMVp-eGFP (A) or HDAd5/35-CMVp-eGFP (B). Cell nuclei are labeled with DAPI (blue). Scale bars = 100 μm. Abbreviations of retinal layers: GCL, INL, ONL, RPE, and CH.