Pax6-Nr2f1/2-Npas3 pathway promotes patterning of the rostral latero-ventral pallium and subplate. (A, B) At E12.5, Nr2f1 and Nr2f2 ISH expression is decreased in the LVP and DP of coronal sections in Pax6−/− (red lines, n = 3). (C) At E11.5, PAX6 immunohistochemistry shows no change in the Nr2f1/2 dKO (n = 2). (D–F) E16.5, ISH shows changes of LVP markers (Lmo3, Npas3 and Nurr1) in Pax6−/− (n = 3), Nr2f1/2 dKO (n = 2) and Npas3−/− (n = 3) in rostral sections. Caudal sections are also depicted for Nurr1 ISH. Black arrow: Loss of expression in the R LVP; Star (*): abnormal morphology of the R LVP; Red arrow: loss of the subplate (SP).