Hippocampal representations are sustained or disrupted over time, depending on whether or not episodes align with expectations. (A) Temporal autocorrelation in the hippocampus gradually increased over the course of a video, suggesting that episodic representations were sustained over time. Autocorrelation values were averaged over 5-s bins of video playback. (B) Autocorrelation trajectories for Full and Interrupted videos diverged during the postvideo period. Plot visualizes second-by-second autocorrelation values in the hippocampus, time-locked to the moment of video offset (black dotted line). (C) Average postvideo change in autocorrelation (average autocorrelation scores for the 5-s bin immediately after video offset, minus average autocorrelation for the bin immediately before offset). Hippocampal representations were sustained after Full videos, but disrupted after Interrupted videos. Error bars depict SEM. **P < 0.01.