Anatomical view of the masseter muscle with suggested placement of toxin injections (x) and various division patterns of deep inferior tendon. (A) Compartmentalized pattern. (B) Transversely divided pattern. (C) Longitudinally divided pattern. (D) Profile view. An, anterior; B, buccinator; Bu, buccal fat; DAO, depressor angularis oris; DB, deep belly of superficial masseter; DIT, deep inferior tendon; DM, deep and middle layers of masseter; Ma, mandible; MM, superficial masseter muscle; MMN, marginal mandibular branch of facial nerve; OO, orbicularis oris; P, parotid gland; Pl, platysma (cut); Po, posterior; R, risorius; SB, superficial belly of superficial masseter; Z, zygomaticus. Figure adapted from Lee et al. (2019) and Peng & Peng (2018).