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. 2021 Dec 15;12:774275. doi: 10.3389/fendo.2021.774275

Table 6.

Multivariate analysis of predictors of a tumour-free clinical outcome.

Parameters OR 95%CI P
Male 1
Female 0.355 0.111–1.135 0.081
TT+ central neck lymph node dissection 1
TT+ central and lateral neck lymph node dissection 0.677 0.139–3.288 0.628
Extrathyroidal extension
No invasion 1
Microscopic 1.703 0.097–29.976 0.716
Macroscopic 0.890 0.061–13.048 0.932
T1 1
T2 0.016 0.000–0.876 0.043
T3 0.060 0.001–3.207 0.166
T4 0.247 0.012–5.162 0.367
N0 1
N1a 0.820 0.100–6.732 0.854
N1b 1.120 0.212–5.925 0.894
Initial risk stratification
Low risk 1
Intermediate risk 0.283 0.025–3.234 0.310
High risk 0.461 0.124–1.712 0.247
The variation of TgAb relative to preoperative level
Before 131I therapy <−63.4% 1
Before 131I therapy ≥−63.4% 0.600 0.193–1.865 0.377
6 months after 131I therapy <−77.9% 1
6 months after 131I therapy ≥−77.9% 3.098 0.975–9.845 0.055
1 year after 131I therapy <−77.4% 1
1 year after 131I therapy ≥−77.4% 4.875 1.651–14.395 0.004
2 years after 131I therapy <−88.6% 1
2 years after 131I therapy ≥−88.6% 9.919 3.185–30.885 <0.001

OR, odds ratio; TT, total thyroidectomy; TgAb, antithyroglobulin antibody.