γmt/mt mice express significantly less γ-subunit in the kidney and lung. Immunoblots of kidney (A) and lung (B) tissue lysates from 10- to 12-wk-old γ+/+ or γmt/mt mice on the baseline diet were probed with antibodies against the γ-, β-, or α-subunit of the epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC). The top in A and B represents the chemiluminescence signal from immunoblots, and the bottom represents stain-free gels showing total protein loading. Molecular weight marker positions are shown in the middle of each blot. C: dot plots show protein normalized to the mean protein signal from a pool of both male (M) and female (F) γ+/+ control mice. A tear in the immunoblot of lung tissue of the β-subunit was digitally repaired for presentation but did not influence quantification. *P < 0.05, ***P < 0.001, and ****P < 0.0001 compared with the sex-matched controls by a two-tailed t test.