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. 2021 Dec 15;12:790292. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2021.790292

Table 1.

List of included studies with the respective number and citation information, starting from studies addressing mental fatigue (#1–#8), followed by studies addressing vigilance detection (#9–#11), drowsiness (#12–#44), physical fatigue (#45–#56) and, lastly, muscle fatigue (#57–#60).

No. Citation Title of Paper
1 Zeng et al., 2020 Nonintrusive monitoring of mental fatigue status using epidermal electronic systems and machine-learning algorithms
2 Li et al., 2020 Identification and classification of construction equipment operators' mental fatigue using wearable eye-tracking technology
3 Lamti et al., 2019 Mental fatigue level detection based on event related and visual evoked potentials features fusion in virtual indoor environment
4 Zhang Y. et al., 2018 A deep temporal model for mental fatigue detection
5 Lee et al., 2019b Emotion and fatigue monitoring using wearable devices
6 Huang et al., 2018 Detection of mental fatigue state with wearable ECG devices
7 Choi et al., 2018 Wearable device-based system to monitor a driver's stress, fatigue, and drowsiness
8 Al-Libawy et al., 2016 HRV-based operator fatigue analysis and classification using wearable sensors
9 Samima et al., 2019 Estimation and quantification of vigilance using ERPs and eye blink rate with a fuzzy model-based approach
10 Wang et al., 2019 Detecting and measuring construction workers' vigilance through hybrid kinematic-EEG signals
11 Chen et al., 2018 Developing construction workers' mental vigilance indicators through wavelet packet decomposition on EEG signals
12 Ko et al., 2020 Eyeblink recognition improves fatigue prediction from single-channel forehead EEG in a realistic sustained attention task
13 Sun et al., 2020 Recognition of fatigue driving based on steering operation using wearable smart watch
14 Foong et al., 2019 An iterative cross-subject negative-unlabeled learning algorithm for quantifying passive fatigue
15 Wen et al., 2019 Recognition of fatigue driving based on frequency features of wearable device data
16 Zhang M. et al., 2018 An application of particle swarm algorithms to optimize hidden markov models for driver fatigue identification
17 Zhang et al., 2017 Design of a fatigue detection system for high-speed trains based on driver vigilance using a wireless wearable EEG
18 Fu et al., 2016 Dynamic driver fatigue detection using hidden markov model in real driving condition
19 Boon-Leng et al., 2015 Mobile-based wearable-type of driver fatigue detection by GSR and EMG
20 Ko et al., 2015 Single channel wireless EEG device for real-time fatigue level detection
21 Kundinger and Riener, 2020 The potential of wrist-worn wearables for driver drowsiness detection: a feasibility analysis
22 Kundinger et al., 2020a Assessment of the potential of wrist-worn wearable sensors for driver drowsiness detection
23 Kundinger et al., 2020b Feasibility of smart wearables for driver drowsiness detection and its potential among different age groups
24 Gielen and Aerts, 2019 Feature extraction and evaluation for driver drowsiness detection based on thermoregulation
25 Mehreen et al., 2019 A hybrid scheme for drowsiness detection using wearable sensors
26 Kim and Shin, 2019 Utilizing HRV-derived respiration measures for driver drowsiness detection
27 Kartsch et al., 2019 Ultra low-power drowsiness detection system with BioWolf
28 Lee et al., 2019a Using wearable ECG/PPG sensors for driver drowsiness detection based on distinguishable pattern of recurrence plots
29 Dhole et al., 2019 A novel helmet design and implementation for drowsiness and fall detection of workers on-site using EEG and random-forest classifier
30 Ogino and Mitsukura, 2018 Portable drowsiness detection through use of a prefrontal single-channel electroencephalogram
31 Nakamura et al., 2018 Automatic detection of drowsiness using in-ear EEG
32 Zhou et al., 2018 Vigilance detection method for high-speed rail using wireless wearable EEG collection technology based on low-rank matrix decomposition
33 Lemkaddem et al., 2018 Multi-modal driver drowsiness detection: a feasibility study
34 Li and Chung, 2018 Combined EEG-gyroscope-tDCS brain machine interface system for early management of driver drowsiness
35 Li et al., 2015 Smartwatch-based wearable EEG system for driver drowsiness detection
36 Li and Chung, 2015 A context-aware EEG headset system for early detection of driver drowsiness
37 Lee et al., 2016 Standalone wearable driver drowsiness detection system in a smartwatch
38 Leng et al., 2015 Wearable driver drowsiness detection system based on biomedical and motion sensors
39 Zhang S. et al., 2018 Low-power listen based driver drowsiness detection system using smartwatch
40 Cheon and Kang, 2017 Sensor-based driver condition recognition using support vector machine for the detection of driver drowsiness
41 Rohit et al., 2017 Real-time drowsiness detection using wearable, lightweight brain sensing headbands
42 Niwa et al., 2016 A wearable device for traffic safety - a study on estimating drowsiness with eyewear, JINS MEME
43 Ha and Yoo, 2016 A multimodal drowsiness monitoring ear-module system with closed-loop real-time alarm
44 Lee et al., 2015 Smartwatch-based driver alertness monitoring with wearable motion and physiological sensor
45 Sedighi Maman et al., 2020 A data analytic framework for physical fatigue management using wearable sensors
46 Nasirzadeh et al., 2020 Physical fatigue detection using entropy analysis of heart rate signals
47 Torres et al., 2020 Detection of fatigue on gait using accelerometer data and supervised machine learning
48 Khan et al., 2019 A novel method for classification of running fatigue using change-point segmentation
49 Ameli et al., 2019 Quantitative and non-invasive measurement of exercise-induced fatigue
50 Zhang et al., 2019b Automated monitoring of physical fatigue using jerk
51 Tsao et al., 2019 Using non-invasive wearable sensors to estimate perceived fatigue level in manual material handling task
52 Wang et al., 2018 A heterogeneous ensemble learning voting method for fatigue detection in daily activities
53 Sedighi Maman et al., 2017 A data-driven approach to modeling physical fatigue in the workplace using wearable sensors
54 Aryal et al., 2017 Monitoring fatigue in construction workers using physiological measurements
55 Li et al., 2017 A neuro-fuzzy fatigue-tracking and classification system for wheelchair users
56 Buckley et al., 2017 Binary classification of running fatigue using a single inertial measurement unit
57 Karvekar et al., 2019 A data-driven model to identify fatigue level based on the motion data from a smartphone
58 Papakostas et al., 2019 Physical fatigue detection through EMG wearables and subjective user reports - a machine learning approach toward adaptive rehabilitation
59 Nourhan et al., 2017 Detection of muscle fatigue using wearable (MYO) surface electromyography based control device
60 Mokaya et al., 2016 Burnout: a wearable system for unobtrusive skeletal muscle fatigue estimation