Figure 2.
(a) Measured values of translational (DT) and rotational (DR) diffusion coefficients of membrane-anchored elliptical particles, together with equal-viscosity contours calculated using the HPW model for circular membrane inclusions. Half of the data points occupy the physically inaccessible region outside the range of the contours. (b) Measured values of DR and diffusion coefficients parallel to the particle's long axis (D∥), together with equal-viscosity contours calculated using the LLM model for rod-like membrane inclusions of aspect ratio 3. All data points occupy physically accessible regions of the parameter space. (c) Histogram of the effective rod lengths, L. The dashed line indicates the mean value and the dotted line the mean rod length assessed from optical measurements. (d) All membrane viscosity values derived from 17 GUVs, from either domain motion or ellipsoidal particle motion. In (a) and (b) and for individual vesicle measurements in (d), error bars indicate 68% confidence intervals. For vesicle-averaged values in (d), mean values and standard deviations are indicated by solid lines and colored bands, respectively.