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. 2021 Dec 23;3(1):101058. doi: 10.1016/j.xpro.2021.101058
Bacterial and virus strains

E. coli DH5α New England Biolabs C2987I
E. coli Rosetta™(DE3) NOVAGEN Healthcare 70954-3

Chemicals, peptides, and recombinant proteins

LB broth (LB Lennox) Condalab 1231
Bacteriological american agar Condalab 1802
Chloramphenicol Sigma-Aldrich C0378-5G
Kanamycin A sulfate Sigma-Aldrich K4000-5G
IPTG Protein Ark GEN-S-02122-25G
Precision Plus Protein Standard All Blue Bio-Rad Laboratories 161-0373
UltraPure Tris Invitrogen 15504-020
HCl Scharlau AC0741
Polyethylene glycol 8000 (PEG) Sigma-Aldrich P2139
Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) PanReac 361954
MgSO4·7H2O Sigma-Aldrich M7774
2-[4-(2-hydroxyethyl) piperazin-1-yl] ethanesulfonic acid (HEPES) Fisher Scientific BP310-500
KOH Merck 105032
KCl Sigma-Aldrich P3911-500G
DTT Thermo Scientific R0862
Glycerol Fisher Scientific BP229-4
Imidazole Sigma-Aldrich 56748-250G
TURBO-DNase Ambion AM2238
Sodium Acetate Sigma-Aldrich 23424-28-4
NaCl Sigma-Aldrich 7647-14-5
KCl Sigma-Aldrich 7447-40-7
NaHCO3 Sigma-Aldrich 144-55-8
Tween20 Sigma-Aldrich P1379
SDS GE Healthcare 17-1313-01
Bromophenol Blue GE Healthcare 17-1329-01
10% TGX Stain-FreeTM FastCastTM Acrylamide Solutions Bio-Rad Laboratories 1610183
Methylene blue Sigma-Aldrich 122965-43-9
Tris Low EDTA Sigma-Aldrich T2194-100ML
Ethidium bromide Sigma-Aldrich 1239-45-8
Restriction Enzymes New England Biolabs NEB
Q5® High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase New England Biolabs M0491
Gel Loading Dye, Purple (6×) New England Biolabs B7025
Gel Loading Buffer II (6×) Thermo Fisher Scientific 8546G
InstantBlue Coomassie Protein Stain Abcam ISB1L
Agarose D1 Low EEO Condalab 8010

Critical commercial assays

AmpliScribe-T7-Flash transcription Epicenter ASF3507
Qubit™ RNA BR Assay Kit Thermo Fisher Scientific Q10210
mMachine T3 Ambion AM1348
mMachine SP6 Ambion AM1340
RNeasy Mini Kit (Qiagen) Qiagen 74104
RC-DC™ Protein Assay Kit Bio-Rad Laboratories 5000122
30K Amicon Ultra-15 Merck Millipore UFC9030
Favorprep Gel/PCR purification kit Favorgen FAGCK 001
PureLink PCR Purification Kit Thermo Fisher Scientific(invitrogen) K310001


Incubator shaker New Brunswick Innova 42
Horizontal laminar flow cabinet Cruma HZ-2
Spectrophotometer Shimadzu UV-1280
Centrifuge (for microtubes) Eppendorf 5415-R
Centrifuge (for Falcon tubes) Eppendorf 5804-R
Centrifuge (for big volumes) Thermo Scientific Sorvall Lynx 6000
Thermoblock Labnet International Accublock D1100
pH-meter Hach SensION+ PH3
pH probe Hach 5014
Sonicator Branson SFX 550
3/4" High-Gain Horn Branson 101-147-035R
250 mL Rosette Glass Cooling Cell Branson 201-123-003
ÄKTA Pure 25 L1 (Liquid Chromatography automated system) GE Healthcare 29-0148-31
Absorbance detector U9-M (Liquid Chromatography automated system) GE Healthcare 28-9340-89
Fraction collector F9-R (Liquid Chromatography automated system) GE Healthcare 29-0113-62
His-Trap FF 1 mL column GE Healthcare 17-5319-01
HiPrep 16/60 Sephacryl S-200 HR column GE Healthcare 17-1166-01
SuperLoop 10 mL GE Healthcare 18-1113-81
Amicon Ultra-15 (Centrifugal Filter Units) Merck Millipore UFC903024
Qubit® 3.0 Fluorometer Life technology Q33216
NanodropTM 2000 Thermo Scientific ND-2000
Microinjector Narishige IM-300
Stereomicroscope Leica Microsystems KL300-LED
Forceps Dumont #55 Cibertec 11255-20
Acrodisc syringe filters 0.45 μm Pall corporation 4654
50 mL Erlenmeyer flasks Eulabor EFN3-050-012
2 L Erlenmeyer flasks Eulabor EFN3-2K0-001
Petri dishes Fisher Scientific 12644785
50 mL centrifuge tubes VWR 525-1113
500 mL centrifuge tubes Thermo Scientific 3141-0500
Clark Capillary Glass (1.0 OD × 0.58 ID × 100 L mm) Panlab (Harvard Apparatus) W3-30-0019

Experimental models: Organisms/strains

Zebrafish Stowers/CABD Strains AB/Tübingen (AB/Tu), AB, TF and TLF

Recombinant DNA

pT3TS-RfxCas13d Kushawah et al. (2020) Addgene plasmid #141320
pT3TS-RfxCas13d-NLS Kushawah et al. (2020) Addgene plasmid #141321
pET28B-RfxCas13d-His Kushawah et al. (2020) Addgene plasmid #141322


Universal primer Kushawah et al. (2020) 5′TAATACGACTCACTATAGGAACCCCTACC
Universal primer with Stem loop disruption Wessels et al. (2020) 5′TAATACGACTCACTATAGGTACCCCTACC
tbxta_4 Kushawah et al. (2020) 5′AGCACCCGTATCTTTCAGCAAAGTTTCAA
tbxta_5 Kushawah et al. (2020) 5′GTGAGAGATACTCCAGCTTGAGGTTTCAA
tbxta_6 Kushawah et al. (2020) 5′TCGGTCCTGCTGGATTTTGTGGGTTTCAA
Tbxta_Fw Kushawah et al. (2020) 5′CGCAAGACTTCCGGAAGAGT
Tbxta_Rv Kushawah et al. (2020) 5′GAACCACAGAGCTGCTCCAT

Software and algorithms

RNAfold software RNAfold web server
Unicorn (for chromatography system) GE Healthcare
Image Lab Standard Edition (for SDS-PAGE analysis) Bio-Rad Laboratories
Mammalian cell culture-based algorithm to predict CRISPR-RfxCas13d activity Sanjana Lab (NYU, NY, USA)

Deposited data

Original data This paper Stowers Original Data Repository