Table 2.
Characteristics and results of studies (n = 81) examining individuals with confirmed COVID-19 12 or more weeks following diagnosis.
Study | Country | Study Design | Sample Source | Sample Characteristics | Follow-up Duration | Ascertainment of COVID-19 | Ascertainment of Outcomes | Results | Factors Associated with persistent symptoms |
Abdallah et al., 2021 | Canada | Prospective Cohort | The Ottawa Hospital |
N = 63 (including 25 previously hospitalized cases and 38 previously non-hospitalized cases)
Mean 119.9 ± 16.2 days following first positive test for hospitalized patients, and mean 129 ± 16.5 days for non-hospitalized patients | RT-PCR | Subjective self-report via clinical follow-up |
Amin-Chowdhury et al., 2021a | England | Prospective Cohort | Public Health England (ESCAPE study) |
N = 140 (clinical and non-clinical healthcare workers)
Median 7.5 (7.1–7.8) months following COVID-19 diagnosis | Serologyand RT-PCR | Subjective self-report via online questionnaire |
Arnold et al., 2020 | United Kingdom | Prospective Cohort | Diagnostic and Severity markers of COVID-19 to Enable Rapid triage (DISCOVER) study (Bristol) |
N = 110 (all previously hospitalized cases)
Median 90 (80–97) days following onset of symptoms | RT-PCR or clinico-radiological diagnosis | Objective assessment via laboratory testing (inflammatory parameters), SF-36 (quality of life), as well as subjective self-report via questionnaire |
Augustin et al., 2021 | Germany | Prospective Cohort | University Hospital Cologne (recruited through public media) |
N = 353
Median 6.8 (6–8) months following onset of symptoms | RT-PCR | Subjective self-report via systematic questionnaires and evaluation by physician |
Breton et al., 2021 | USA | Retrospective Cohort | Residents of greater New York City Tristate Region |
N = 41 cases (including 8 previously hospitalized)
Mean 6.1 months following COVID-19 infection | RT-PCR | Objective assessment via laboratory testing (flow cytometry; intracellular cytokine staining) |
Buonsenso et al., 2021 | Italy | Cross-sectional | Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli (part of ISARIC) |
N = 68 children (including 6 previously hospitalized and 3 in pediatric ICU)
Mean 162.5 ± 113.7 days following diagnosis | RT-PCR | Subjective self-report via phone interview or outpatient assessment |
Cirulli et al., 2020a | USA | Prospective Cohort | Helix DNA Discovery Project and the Healthy NevadaProject |
N = 357 (including 9 previously hospitalized cases)
90 days following onset of symptoms | Laboratory test | Subjective self-report via online questionnaires |
Darley et al., 2021a | Australia | Prospective Cohort | St. Vincent’s Hospital Sydney (ADAPT study) |
N = 99
Median 240 (227–256) days following infection | RT-PCR | Objective assessment via SPHERE-34 (fatigue, cognitive function) |
Elkan et al., 2021a | Israel | Retrospective Case-control | Shamir (Assaf Harofeh) Medical Center |
N = 66 (all previously hospitalized cases)
Median 9 (6–9) months following discharge | RT-PCR | Objective assessment via RAND-36 (quality of life), as well as subjective self-report |
Evans et al., 2021a | United Kingdom | Prospective Cohort | 53 National Health Service hospitals (PHOSP-COVID study) |
N = 1077 (all previously hospitalized cases)
Median 159 (120–189) days following discharge | RT-PCR or clinician-diagnosed | Objective assessment via FACIT (fatigue), MoCA (cognitive function), EQ-5D-5L, WG-SS (quality of life and functioning), laboratory testing (serology), and subjective self-report via research visit and clinical follow-up questionnaire |
Evlice et al., 2021 | Turkey | Retrospective Cohort | Hospital in Turkey |
N = 266 (all previously hospitalized cases, including 11 in ICU)
Mean 99.80 ± 26.16 days following discharge | RT-PCR or CT | Subjective self-report via telephone survey |
Fernández-de-Las-Peñas (1) et al., 2021 | Spain | Retrospective Cohort | Four public hospitals in Madrid |
N = 1142 (all previously hospitalized cases)
Mean 7.0 ± 0.6 months following discharge | RT-PCR | Subjective self-report via systematic telephone interview conducted by trained researchers |
Fernández-de-Las-Peñas (2) et al., 2021 | Spain | Retrospective Cohort | Three public hospitals in Madrid |
N = 1950 (all previously hospitalized cases, including 129 in the ICU)
Mean 11.2 ± 0.5 months after hospital discharge | RT-PCR and radiological findings | Self-report via systematic telephone interview conducted by trained healthcare professionals |
Ferrucci et al., 2021 | Italy | Prospective Cohort | Non-intensive COVID units of the ASST Santi Paolo e Carlo hospitals |
N = 38 (all previously hospitalized cases in non-intensive wards)
Mean 4.43 ± 1.22 months following discharge | RT-PCR | Objectively assessed via MoCA (cognitive function), BRB-NT (neurological battery of tests for cognition), SSD (fatigue) |
Fortini et al., 2021 | Italy | Prospective Cohort | San Giovanni di Dio Hospital |
N = 59 (all previously hospitalized cases in non-intensive ward)
Median 123 (116–145) days following discharge | RT-PCR | Objective assessment via laboratory testing (inflammatory parameters), as well as subjective self-report via self-administered questionnaire |
Froidure et al., 2021 | Belgium | Prospective Cohort | Hospital in Belgium |
N = 126 patients (all previously hospitalized and/or ICU cases)
Median 95 (86–107) days following infection | RT-PCR and lung HRTC or chest X-ray | Subjective self-report via clinical assessment |
Frontera et al., 2021 | USA | Prospective Cohort | Four NYC area hospitals |
N = 382 (all previously hospitalized cases including 196 neurologic cases, 67 of which were admitted to the ICU, and 186 cases without neurological disorders during hospitalization, 54 of which were admitted to the ICU)
Median 6.7 (6.5–6.8) months following onset of symptoms | RT-PCR | Objective assessment via MoCA (cognitive function), Barthel index (functional impairment), as well as subjective self-report via telephone questionnaire |
García-Abellán et al., 2021a | Spain | Prospective Cohort | Hospital General Universitario de Elche |
N = 116 (all previously hospitalized cases, including 15 previously admitted to ICU)
6 months following discharge | RT-PCR and serology | Objective assessment via laboratory testing (immunological parameters), and subjective self-report via CSQ (fatigue) during clinical visit |
Garrigues et al., 2020 | France | Retrospective Cohort | Beaujon Hospital, COVID-19 Unit |
N = 120 (all previously hospitalized cases, including 24 in ICU that underwent mechanical ventilation)
Mean 110.9 days ± 11.1 following hospital admission | RT-PCR and/or chest CT | Objective assessment via EQ-5D-5L (quality of life), as well as subjective self-report via telephone questionnaire conducted by trained physicians |
Ghosn et al., 2021 | France | Prospective Cohort | Institut National de la Santé Et de la Recherche Médicale |
N = 1137 (all previously hospitalized cases, including 288 in ICU)
3 and 6 (median 194 [188–205] days) months following hospital admission | RT-PCR | Subjective self-report via physician visit |
González et al., 2021 | Spain | Prospective Cohort | Hospital Universitary Arnau de Vilanova |
N = 62 (all previously ICU cases)
3 months following discharge | RT-PCR | Objective assessment via SF-12 (quality of life), as well as subjective self-report |
González-Hermosillo et al., 2021 | Mexico | Prospective Cohort | Instituto Nacional de Cardiología Ignacio Chávez |
N = 130 (all previously hospitalized cases)
3 and 6 (mean 270 ± 32 days) months following discharge | RT-PCR | Subjective self-report via telephone questionnaire based on ME/CFS International Consensus Criteria |
Havervall et al., 2021 | Sweden | Prospective Cohort | Danderyd Hospital |
N = 1395 health care professionals (mild cases, hospitalization status not specified)
8 months following onset of symptoms | Serology | Objective assessment via Sheehan Disability Scale (functional outcomes), as well as subjective self-report via smartphone app questionnaire |
Huang et al., 2021 | China | Ambidirectional Cohort | Jin Yin-tan Hospital |
N = 1733 patients (all previously hospitalized cases, including 76 previously admitted to ICU)
Median 186 (175–199) days following onset of symptoms | Laboratory testing | Objective assessment viaEQ-5D-3L (quality of life), as well as subjective self-report via questionnaire |
Jacobson et al., 2021 | USA | Prospective Cohort | Patients from enrolled clinical trials at Stanford University |
N = 118 participants (including 22 previously hospitalized cases, of which 11 were previously admitted to ICU)
Mean 119.3 ± 33.0 days following diagnosis | RT-PCR | Objective assessment via WPAI (functional outcomes), as well as subjective self-report via questionnaire |
Johnsen et al., 2021 | Denmark | Cross-sectional | Copenhagen University Hospital at Bispebjerg |
N = 57 (34 previously hospitalized cases and 34 non-hospitalized cases)
3 months following discharge/resolution of acute disease | RT-PCR | Objective assessment via WPAI, PCFS (functional outcomes), EQ-5D-5L (quality of life), and CFQ, SCIP-D, and TMT-B (cognitive function) |
Kashif et al., 2021a | Pakistan | Prospective Cohort | Hameed Latif Hospital |
N = 242 (including hospitalized cases and non-hospitalized cases who sought healthcare at hospital)
3 months following discharge or onset of symptoms | RT-PCR | Subjective self-report via telephone interview |
Klein et al., 2021 | Israel | Retrospective Cohort | Israeli residents recruited through social media and word of mouth |
N = 103 (all mild symptomatic cases; asymptomatic excluded, hospitalization status not specified)
6 months following onset of symptoms | RT-PCR | Subjective self-report via telephone questionnaire |
Latronico et al., 2021a | Italy | Prospective Cohort | 3 ICUs of the Spedali Civili University Hospital |
N = 55 (all cases which were previously admitted to ICU with ARDS)
3 and 6 months following discharge | RT-PCR | Objective assessment via FSS (fatigue), PICS, MoCA (cognitive function), SF-36 (quality of life), Barthel Index (functional outcomes) |
Leth et al., 2021 | Denmark | Prospective Cohort | Department of Infectious Diseases, Aarhus University Hospital |
N = 49 (all previously hospitalized cases, including 6 previously admitted to ICU)
Median 128 (98–148) days following discharge | RT-PCR | Objective assessment via OMC (cognitive function), as well as subjective self-report via in person or telephonequestionnaire |
Liang et al., 2020 | China | Prospective Cohort | Wuhan Union Hospital |
N = 76 (all previously hospitalized, including 65 healthcare worker cases, and 7 previously admitted to ICU)
3 months following discharge | RT-PCR | Subjective self-report via questionnaire |
Liyanage-Don et al., 2021 | USA | Prospective Cohort | 2 Columbia University Hospitals |
N = 153 (all previously hospitalized cases)
Median 3.7 (2.6–5.7) months following discharge | RT-PCR | Subjective self-report via online or telephone questionnaire |
Logue et al., 2021 | USA | Prospective Cohort | University of Washington |
N = 177 (145 previously outpatient cases, 16 previously hospitalized)
Median 169 (range 31–300) days following onset of acute COVID-19 | RT-PCR | Subjective self-report via electronic questionnaire |
Mattioli et al., 2021 | Italy | Prospective Cohort | Unit of Occupational Health, General University Hospital of Brescia |
N = 150 (120 healthcare workers cases, including 2 with previous respiratory failure requiring hospitalization) and 30 healthcare worker healthy controls)
4 months following first COVID-19 diagnosis | RT-PCR | Objective assessment via MMSE (cognitive function), as well as subjective self-report via clinical diagnostic assessment (including questionnaire) |
Mazza et al., 2021 | Italy | Prospective Cohort | IRCCS San Raffaele Hospital |
N = 226 (including 177 hospitalized cases and 49 cases treated at home)
Mean 90.1 ± 13.4 days following discharge | RT-PCR | Objective assessment via BACS (cognitive function), as well as subjective self-report via questionnaire |
Mei et al., 2021 | China | Prospective Cohort | Wuhan No.1 Hospital, Wuchang Hospital, Zhongshang Hospital, and Hubei Province Hospital |
N = 3,677 (all previously hospitalized cases)
Median 144 (135–157) days following discharge | RT-PCR | Subjective self-report during clinical follow-up |
Menges et al., 2021a | Switzerland | Cross-sectional | General Population of Zurich (Zurich SARS-CoV-2 Cohort Study) |
N = 431 (including 81 previously hospitalized cases, of which 10 were in ICU, and 350 non-hospitalized cases)
Median 220 (181–232) days following diagnosis | RT-PCR | Objective assessment via FAS (fatigue), EQ-5D-5L (quality of life), as well as subjective self-report via online survey conducted via REDcap |
Miskowiak et al., 2021 | Denmark | Prospective Cohort | Bispebjerg Hospital (IMPACT-COVID study) |
N = 129 (29 previously hospitalized cases, and 100 matched healthy controls)
3–4 months following hospital discharge | RT-PCR and serology | Objective assessment via SCIP-D, TMT-B, and CFQ (cognitive function), and EQ-5D-5L (quality of life), as well as subjective self-report via questionnaire |
Miyazato et al., 2021 | Japan | Cross-sectional | Disease Control and Prevention Center and National Center for Global Health and Medicine |
N = 63 (all previously hospitalized cases)
Mean 129 ± 21 days following onset of symptoms | RT-PCR | Subjective self-report via structured telephone interview conducted by the investigators |
Morin et al., 2021 | France | Prospective Cohort | Bicêtre Hospital (Paris-Saclay University hospitals) |
N = 478 (all previously hospitalized cases, including 142 previously admitted to ICU)
Median 113 (94–128) days following discharge | RT-PCR and/or CT scan | Objective assessment via Q3PC, MoCA, d-2R (cognitive function), MFI (fatigue) during in-clinic/ ambulatory assessment, as well as subjective self-report via telephone questionnaire |
Munblit et al., 2021a | Russia | Prospective Cohort | Sechenov University Hospital Network |
N = 2649 (all previously hospitalized cases)
Median 217.5 (200.4–235.5) days following discharge | RT-PCR or clinically diagnosed | Objective assessment via EQ-5D-5L (quality of life), as well as subjective self-report via telephone interview performed by medical students using |
O’Keefe et al., 2021a | USA | Cross-sectional | Emory Healthcare’s Virtual Outpatient Management Clinic (VOMC) |
N = 198 participants discharged from outpatient telemedicine program for COVID-19(including 35 previously hospitalized cases)
Median 119 (range 26–220) days following diagnosis | RT-PCR | Subjective self-report via e-mail survey |
Ong et al., 2021 | Singapore | Prospective Cohort | 4 public hospitals in Singapore |
Median 181 (103–191) days following discharge | RT-PCR | Objective assessed via immunoassay (inflammatory parameters), as well as subjective self-report |
Orrù et al., 2021 | Italy | Cross-sectional | Individuals living in Italy (recruited through the web) |
N = 152 (hospitalization status not specified)
At least 3 months following positive test | RT-PCR | Objective assessment via EQ-5D-3L (quality of life), as well as subjective self-report via online survey |
Osmanov et al., 2021a | Russia | Prospective Cohort | Z.A. Bashlyaeva Children’s Municipal Clinical Hospital |
N = 518 children (all previously hospitalized cases)
Median 256 (223–271) days following discharge | RT-PCR | Subjective self-report via telephone surveyconducted by medical students |
Peghin et al., 2021 | Italy | Prospective Cohort | Udine Hospital |
N = 599 (442 outpatient cases, 157 previously hospitalized, including 23 in ICU)
Median 191 (172–204) days following onset of acute COVID-19 | Nucleic acid amplification tests and/or clinical diagnosis | Subjective self-report via telephone questionnaire administered by trained nurses |
Pereira et al., 2021 | United Kingdom | Prospective Cohort | Hospital in North West London |
N = 38 hospital staff (35 symptomatic and 3 asymptomatic cases, all not requiring hospitalization)
7–8 months following symptom onset | RT-PCR | Subjective self-report via questionnaire based on NICE guidelines |
Petersen et al., 2021 | Faroe Islands | Prospective Cohort | The Faroese Hospital System |
N = 180 (all outpatient cases)
Mean 125 ± 17 days following symptom onset | RT-PCR | Objective assessment via fatigue impact scale (fatigue) |
Pilotto et al., 2021a | Italy | Prospective Cohort | Spedali Civili Brescia Hospital |
N = 165 (all previously hospitalized non-neurological cases)
6 months following hospitalization | RT-PCR | Objective assessment via MoCA (cognitive function), as well as subjective self-report via clinical follow-up checklist |
Qu et al., 2021 | China | Prospective Cohort | 6 Hospitals in Anhui Province and Hubei Province |
N = 540 (all previously hospitalized cases)
3 months following discharge | RT-PCR | Objective assessment via SF-36 (quality of life), as well as subjective self-report via electronic survey form |
Rass et al., 2021 | Austria | Prospective Cohort | Department of Internal Medicine II, Medical University of Innsbruck, Zams, and Muenster |
N = 135 (31 cases previously admitted to ICU, 72 previously admitted to ward, 32 previously received mild outpatient care)
Median 102 (91–110) days following onset of symptoms | RT-PCR | Objective assessment via MoCA (cognitive function), SF-36-v2 (quality of life), GOSE and mRS (functional outcome), as well as subjective self-report via clinical follow-up |
Rauch et al., 2021a | Germany | Prospective Cohort | Life&Covid Online Cohort Study (Ludwig-Maximilians- Universität) |
N = 127 (including 116 outpatient cases and 11 inpatients)
6 months following infection | RT-PCR or Serology | Subjective self-report via e-mail survey |
Romero-Duarte et al., 2021 | Spain | Retrospective Cohort | Four hospitals in Spain |
N = 797 (all previously hospitalized cases, including 81 previously admitted to ICU)
6 months following discharge | RT-PCR | Subjective self-report via questionnaire |
Savarraj et al., 2021a | USA | Prospective Cohort | University of Texas Health Science Center |
N = 48 (all previously hospitalized cases)
3 months following discharge | RT-PCR | Objective assessment via mRS (functional outcomes), BNST (cognitive function), FSS (fatigue) |
Say et al., 2021 | Australia | Prospective Cohort | Royal Children's Hospital |
N = 151 children (including 54 asymptomatic, 91 mostly mild symptomatic cases, and 14 previously hospitalized)
3–6 months following diagnosis | RT-PCR | Subjective self-report via follow-up clinic proforma |
Shang et al., 2021 | China | Prospective Cohort | Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University, No. 7 Hospital of Wuhan, Leishenshan Hospital |
N = 796 (all previously hospitalized cases, including 38 in ICU)
6 months following discharge | RT-PCR | Subjective self-report via telephone interview |
Shendy et al., 2021 | Egypt | Prospective Cohort | Ministry of Health and Population |
N = 81 (11 previously hospitalized cases, 70 non-hospitalized cases)
3–5 months following recovery from COVID-19 | RT-PCR | Objective assessment via MFIS (fatigue) |
Shuwa et al., 2021 | United Kingdom | Prospective Cohort | Coronavirus Immune Response and Clinical Outcomes (CIRCO) study based at 4 hospitals in greater Manchester |
N = 83 (all previously hospitalized cases)
Median 158 (116.5–184.5) days following hospital admission | RT-PCR or clinical diagnosis | Objective assessment via cell culture and flow cytometry (immune parameters) |
Simani et al., 2021 | Iran | Prospective Cohort | University-affiliated hospital of Tehran |
N = 120 (all previously hospitalized, including 9 in ICU)
6 months following COVID-19 infection | RT-PCR or CT | Objective assessment via previously validated questionnaire based on Fukuda guidelines for CFS/EM (fatigue) |
Skala et al., 2021 | Czech Republic | Prospective Cohort | Hradec Kralove District |
N = 102 (including 15 previously hospitalized cases and 87 outpatient cases)
3 months following COVID-19 diagnosis | RT-PCR | Objective assessment via laboratory testing (inflammatory parameters), as well as subjective self-report via questionnaires administered by physician |
Soldati et al., 2021 | Brazil | Prospective Cohort | ICU unit, Complexo Hospitalar de Niterói |
N = 23 (all previously admitted to ICU)
Median 83 (37–115) days following discharge | RT-PCR | Objective assessment viaTICS (cognitive function), EuroQol (quality of life) |
Sonnweber et al., 2021 | Austria | Prospective Cohort | Department of Internal Medicine II, Medical University of Innsbruck, and two additional medical centres in Zams and Münster (CovILD study) |
N = 134 (including 109 previously hospitalized, of which 29 were previously admitted to ICU)
Mean 103 ± 21 days following diagnosis | RT-PCR | Objective assessment via laboratory testing (serology) |
Soraas et al., 2021a | Norway | Prospective Cohort | Conducted online in Norway |
N = 588 (all previously non-hospitalized cases)
Mean 248 ± 18 days from baseline (mean 15.9 ± 9 days from testing to baseline) | RT-PCR | Objective assessment via RAND-36 (quality of life), as well as subjective self-report via online questionnaire |
Stavem et al., 2021 | Norway | Cross-sectional | Akershus University Hospital (Ahus) and Østfold Hospital |
N = 458 (all non-hospitalized cases)
Median 117.5 (105–135) days following first COVID-19 symptom | RT-PCR | Objective assessment via CFQ-11 and RAND-36 (fatigue) administered via web or post |
Suárez-Robles et al., 2020 | Spain | Cross-sectional | Hospital Clínico San Carlos |
N = 134 (all previously hospitalized, including 2 previously admitted to ICU)
90 days following discharge | RT-PCR | Subjective self-report via telephone structured interview |
Sykes et al., 2021 | UK | Prospective Cohort | Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust |
N = 134 (all previously hospitalized, including 27 previously admitted to ICU)
Median 113 (range 46–167) days following discharge | RT-PCR | Objective assessment via EQ-5D-5L (quality of life), as well as subjective self-report via standardised clinical assessment by a specialist nurse and/or physiotherapist |
Taboada (1) et al., 2020 | Spain | Prospective Cohort | Seven hospitals located in northwestern Spain |
N = 91 (all cases previously admitted to ICU)
6 months following ICU treatment | RT-PCR | Objectively assessed via EQ-5D-3L (quality of life) and PCFS (functional outcomes), as well as subjective self-report via structured interview conducted by trained research coordinators |
Taboada (2) et al., 2021 | Spain | Cross-sectional | University Hospital of Santiago |
N = 183 (all previously hospitalized cases, including 32 to ICU)
6 months following hospitalization | RT-PCR | Objective assessment via PCFS (functional status), as well as subjective self-reportvia surveys conducted by trained study investigators |
Tawfik et al., 2021 | Egypt | Retrospective Cohort | Ain-Shams University and Ministry of Health and Population hospitals |
N = 120 healthcare workers (including 18 previously hospitalized)
3 months following COVID-19 infection | RT-PCR and CT | Subjective self-report via questionnaire |
Todt et al., 2021 | Brazil | Prospective Cohort | Hospital Municipal Dr. Moyses Deutsch |
N = 251 patients (all previously hospitalized, including 42 in ICU)
3 months following discharge | RT-PCR | Objective assessment viaEQ-5D-3L (quality of life) |
Valiente-De Santis et al., 2020a | Spain | Prospective Cohort | Outpatients’ office of Regional University Hospital of Málaga |
N = 108 (all outpatient cases; both symptomatic and asymptomatic, including 30 healthcare workers)
12 weeks following acute COVID-19 | Serology | Subjective self-report via telephone survey |
van den Borst et al., 2020 | The Netherlands | Prospective Cohort | Radboud University Medical Center (POSTCOVER study) |
N = 124 (all previously hospitalized cases)
Mean 13.0 ± 2.2 weeks following onset of symptoms | RT-PCR or clinically diagnosed | Objective assessment via laboratory testing (serological parameters), TICS, CFQ (cognitive function), SF-36 and NCSI (quality of life, fatigue) |
Van Veenendaal et al., 2021a | The Netherlands | Prospective Cohort | University Medical Center Groningen, ICU (COFICS) |
N = 60 (all previously admitted cases to ICU) [50 at 6 months]
6 months following ICU discharge | RT-PCR | Objective assessment via SF-20 (quality of life), FAD-GF6+ (social functioning), as well as subjective self-report via telephone questionnaire conducted by research nurses (at 3 months), and mail questionnaire (at 6 months) |
Venturelli et al., 2021 | Italy | Prospective Cohort | Papa Giovanni XXIII Hospital |
N = 767 (all previously hospitalized cases, including 66 in ICU)
Median 105 (84–127) days following onset of symptoms | RT-PCR or Serology | Objective assessment via laboratory testing (serology), MoCA (cognitive function), Barthel index (functional impairment), and Brief Fatigue inventory (fatigue), as well as subjective self-report via questionnaire |
Walle-Hansen et al., 2021 | Norway | Retrospective Cohort | Four general hospitals in South-Eastern Norway |
N = 106 (all previously hospitalized cases, including 28 in ICU)
6 months following hospitalization | RT-PCR | Objective assessment via MoCA (cognitive function), and EQ 5D-5L (quality of life) |
Wong et al., 2020 | Canada | Prospective Cohort | Post-COVID-19 Respiratory Clinic in Vancouver |
N = 78 (all previously hospitalized cases)
Median 13 (11–14) weeks following onset of symptoms | Laboratory test | Objective assessment via EQ-5D-5L (quality of life) |
Woo et al., 2020 | United Kingdom | Cross-sectional | University Medical Centre Hamburg-Eppendorf |
N = 28 (11 previously hospitalized cases, 6 previously outpatient cases, 1 case receiving no medical care, and 10 healthy controls)
Median 85 (range 20–105) days following recovery | RT-PCR | Objective assessment via TICS-M (cognitive function), as well as subjective self-report via questionnaire |
Xiong et. al., 2020 | China | Prospective cohort | Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University |
N = 722 (538 previously hospitalized cases, and 184 healthy controls)
Median 97 (95–102) days following discharge | COVID-19 diagnosis according to WHO interim guidance | Subjective self-report via telephone survey conducted by three experienced clinicians |
Zhao et al., 2020 | China | Retrospective cohort | 3 Tertiary Hospitals in Henan Province |
N = 55 (all previously hospitalized cases)
3 months following discharge | RT-PCR | Self-report via clinical follow-up |
Zhou et al., 2021 | China | Cross-sectional | 4 Hospitals in Wuhan |
N = 72 (55 cases, including 16 asymptomatic, and 17 healthy controls)
Mean 139.79 ± 7.41 days following illness onset for severe cohort, mean 133.75 ± 9.64 days following illness onset for mild cohort | RT-PCR or serology | Objective assessment via mesoscale-discovery (MSD) multiplexed immunoassay(immunological parameters) |
Proportions are reported as cases/total study sample size. ‘Cases’ refers to previous confirmed COVID-19 cases. Medians are reported as median (interquartile range), if the interquartile range was provided, or unless otherwise specified. Means are reported as mean ± standard deviation, if the standard deviation was provided. ‘Previously hospitalized’/‘admitted to ICU’ refers to COVID-19 treatment. ‘Admission’ and ‘discharge’ refer to COVID-19 inpatient treatment. ‘Infection’ refers to infection with SARS-CoV-2. Ages are given in years. ‘%F/%M’ refers to percentage of study sample which is female/percentage of study sample which is male.
Acronyms: COVID-19: Coronavirus disease 2019, SARS-CoV-2: Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, ICU: Intensive care unit, USA: United States of America, RT-PCR: Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction, ESCAPE: Evaluation Study of Congestive Heart Failure and Pulmonary Artery Catheterization Effectiveness, DISCOVER: Diagnostic and Severity Markers of COVID-19 to Enable Rapid Triage, ISARIC: International Severe Acute Respiratory and Emerging Infection Consortium, SF-36: 36-Item Short Form Survey, CRP: C-reactive protein, IgG: Immunoglobulin G, CD4+: Cluster of differentiation 4+, CD8+: Cluster of differentiation 8+, IL-2: Interleukin-2, IFN-γ: Interferon gamma, TNF-α: Tumor necrosis factor alpha, ADAPT: Australians’ Drug Use: Adapting to Pandemic Threats, SPHERE-34: 34-Item Somatic and Psychological Health Report, RAND-36: Rand 36-Item Health Survey, PHOSP-COVID: Post-hospitalization COVID-19 study, IQR: Interquartile range, FACIT: Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy, CFS/ME: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, MoCA: Montreal Cognitive Assessment, EuroQol: European Quality of Life Scale, EQ-VAS: EuroQol visual analog scale, EQ-5D-5L: EuroQol-5 Dimension-5 levels, EQ-5D-3L: EuroQol-5-Dimension-3 levels, EQ-5D-5L VAS: EuroQol-5 Dimension-5 levels visual analog scale, WG-SS: Washington Group Short Set on Functioning, CT: Computerized tomography, BRB-NT: Brief Repeatable Battery of Neuropsychological Tests, SSD: Subjective Scale of Damage, SDMT: Symbol Digit Modalities Test, ARDS: Acute respiratory distress syndrome, IL-6: Interleukin-6, NYC: New York City, CSQ: COVID-19 Symptom Questionnaire, SF-12: 12-Item Short Form Survey, SF-23: 23-Item Short Form Survey, ME/CFS: Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome, WPAI: Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Questionnaire, PCFS: Post-COVID-19 Functional Status, CFQ: Cognitive Failures Questionnaire, HRTC: High Resolution Computed Tomography, SCIP-D: Screen for Cognitive Impairment in Psychiatry, TMT-B: Trail Making Test Part B, FSS: Fatigue Severity Scale, PICS: Post-intensive care syndrome, SF-35: 35-Item Short Form Survey, SD: Standard deviation, OMC: Orientation-Memory-Concentration Test, OR: Odds ratio, PTSD: Post-traumatic stress disorder, MMSE: Mini-Mental State Examination, BACS: Brief Assessment of Cognition in Schizophrenia, REDCap: Research Electronic Data Capture, FAS: Fatigue Assessment Scale, Q3PC: questionnaire of cognitive complaints, d-2R: D2 Test of Attention, MFI: Multidimensional fatigue inventory, WHO CRF: World Health Organization’s Post COVID Case Report form, MIP-1β: Macrophage inflammatory protein-1 beta, SDF-1α: Stromal Cell Derived Factor 1 alpha, IL-12p70: Interleukin-12p70, SCF: Stem cell factor, IL-17A: Interleukin-17A, BDNF: Brain-derived neurotrophic factor, VEGF: Vascular endothelial growth factor, IP-10: Interferon-inducible protein 10, IL-18: Interleukin-18, MCP-1: Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1, ELISA: Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, GOSE: Glasgow Outcome Scale-Extended, mRS: Modified Rankin Scale, BNST: Brief neurocognitive screening test, MFIS: Modified Fatigue Impact Scale, CIRCO: Coronavirus Immune Response and Clinical Outcome, TICS: Telephone interview for cognitive status, CFQ-11: Chalder Fatigue Scale 11, BMI: Body mass index, POSTCOVER: Post-COVID-19 Recovery Study, SF-20: 20-Item Short Form Survey, FAD-GF6+: McMaster Family Assessment Device-General Functioning subscale, MSD: Mesoscale-discovery multiplexed immunoassay.
This article is a pre-print as of June 8, 2021.