Problem-solving decisions and percentages of expert interviews in which they occura
A. Selection and goals (Occur in 100%b) | B. Frame problem (100%) | C. Plan process for solving (100%) | D. Interpret info and choose solutions (100%) | E. Reflecte (100%) | F. Implications and communicate results (84%) |
1.c (61%) What is important in field? | 4. (100%) Important features and info? | 10. (100%) Approximations and simplifications to make? | 16. (81%) Which calculations and data analysis? | 23. (77%) Assumptions and simplifications appropriate? | 27. (65%) Broader implications? |
2. (77%) Opportunity fits solver’s expertise? | 5. (100%) What predictive framework?d | 11. (68%) How to decompose into sub-problems? | 17. (68%) How to represent and organize information? | 24. (84%) Additional knowledge needed? | 28. (55%) Audience for communication? |
3. (100%) Goals, criteria, constraints? | 6. (97%) How to narrow down problem? | 12. (90%) Most difficult or uncertain areas? | 18. (77%) How believable is information? | 25. (94%) How well is solving approach working? | 29. (68%) Best way to present work? |
7. (97%) Related problems? | 13. (100%) What info needed? | 19. (100%) How does info compare to predictions? | 26. (100%) How good is solution? | ||
8. (100%) Potential Solutions? | 14. (87%) Priorities? | 20. (71%) Any significant anomalies? | |||
9. (74%) Is problem solvable? | 15. (100%) Specific plan for getting information? | 21. (97%) Appropriate conclusions? | |||
22. (97%) What is best solution? |
aSee supplementary text and Table S2 for full description and examples of each decision. A set of other non-decision knowledge and skill development themes were also frequently mentioned as important to professional success: Staying up to date in the field (84%), intuition and experience (77%), interpersonal and teamwork (100%), efficiency (32%), and attitude (68%).
bPercentage of interviews in which category or decision was mentioned.
cNumbering is for reference. In practice ordering is fluid – involves extensive iteration with other possible starting points.
dChosen predictive framework(s) will inform all other decisions.
eReflection occurs throughout process, and often leads to iteration. Reflection on solution occurs at the end as well.