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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2022 Nov 22.
Published in final edited form as: Water (Basel). 2021 Nov 22;13(22):1–40. doi: 10.3390/w13223310

Table 1.

Indicators evaluated in the present study. Indicators with “NM” in the Origin column were measured following the NM method protocol [34], and indicators marked with “PNW” were measured following the PNW protocol [27]; other indicators were measured with protocols developed for this study, which are provided in Supplementary File S1, and come from sources reviewed in a study by McCune and Mazor [35]. Asterisks (*) indicate hydrologic indicators that are considered direct measures of water presence.

Indicator Description Origin
Geomorphic Indicators
Sinuosity Visual estimate of the curviness of the stream channel NM
Bankfull width Width of the channel at bankfull height PNW
Floodplain channel dimensions Visual estimate of the extent of channel entrenchment and connectivity to the floodplain NM
Particle size/stream substrate sorting Visual estimate of the extent of evidence of substrate sorting within the channel NM
In-channel structure/riffle pool sequence Visual estimate of the diversity and distinctiveness of riffles, pools, and other flow-based microhabitats NM
Sediment deposition on plants and debris Visual estimate of the extent of evidence of sediment deposition on plants and on debris within the floodplain NM
Hydrologic indicators
Surface and subsurface flow * Estimates of the percent of the reach-length with surface and subsurface flow PNW
Isolated pools * Number of pools in the channel without any connection to flowing surface water PNW
Water in channel * Visual estimate of the extent of surface flow in the channel NM
Seeps and springs * Presence/absence of springs or seeps within one-half channel width of the channel NM
Hydric soils Presence/absence of hydric soils within the channel, measured at up to 3 locations NM
Soil moisture and texture * Extent of soil saturation and texture measured at three locations in the channel
Woody jams Number of woody jams within the channel
Biological indicators
Live and dead algal cover Visual estimate of the percent of streambed covered by live or dead algal growth
Filamentous algal abundance Estimate of the overall abundance of filamentous algae within the channel NM
Stream shading Percent shade-providing cover above the streambed measured with a densiometer at three locations
Hydrophytic plant species Number of OBL or FACW-rated plants (as listed in [36]) growing within the channel or a half-channel width from the channel PNW
Fish Estimate of the overall abundance of fish (other than non-native mosquitofish) in the channel. NM
Aquatic invertebrates Abundance and richness of aquatic invertebrate families collected from the channel PNW
Aquatic invertebrates Estimate of the overall abundance of aquatic invertebrates within the channel NM
Amphibians Estimate of the overall abundance of amphibians within the channel NM
Mosses and liverworts Visual estimate of the percent of streambed and banks covered by live or dead bryophytes or liverworts
Differences in vegetation (riparian corridor) Visual estimate of the distinctiveness of vegetation in the riparian corridor compared to surrounding upland vegetation NM
Absence of upland rooted plants in the streambed Visual estimate of the extent of upland rooted plants growing within the streambed NM
Presence of iron-oxidizing fungi or bacteria Presence of oily sheens indicative of iron-oxidizing fungi or bacteria within the assessment reach NM
Presence of aquatic or semi-aquatic snakes Presence of aquatic or semi-aquatic snakes (e.g., most garter snake species) in the channel PNW
Location and watershed characteristics Latitude, longitude, elevation, and watershed area (watershed area retrieved from StreamCat database [37])
Long-term normal precipitation and temperature 30-year normal mean annual and monthly precipitation, and 30-y normal mean, maximum, and minimum annual temperature (PRISM climate data; [38]).
Soil type Landscape metrics related to soil (such as erodibility, hydraulic conductivity, and bulk density) calculated at the watershed and catchment scale (StreamCat database [37])
Geology Landscape metrics related to geology (such as geological nitrogen content in bedrock) calculated at the watershed and catchment scale (StreamCat database [37])
Ecoregion Level 2 and 3 ecoregions for the Western United States [39]