Figure 5. Model simulations recapitulate experimentally observed phenotypes through genetic, pharmacological, and mechanical perturbations.
(A) Reference model simulation of the wild-type scenario. The figure displays a schematic representation of the auxin flow inside the root (left picture), cell growth rate (right picture). The bottom graph shows the profiles of auxin concentration in the vascular tissues (dashed blue line), auxin concentration in the non-vascular tissues (dotted blue line,) and growth rate (red line) along the root axis. (B) Model simulation of the pin2 knockdown mutant. In silico pin2 mutant shows strongly reduced PINs expression in the lateral root cap, epiderm, is, and cortex. Note that acropetal auxin flow is severely affected and auxin tends to accumulate in the lateral tissues as observed in experiments (Dhonukshe et al., 2010). (C) Mechanical removal of lateral root cap resulted in the strong accumulation of auxin inside the root tip, largely because auxin cannot flow anymore shootward through outermost tissues whereas growth rate was not significantly affected. (D) Simulation of root tip cutting. Removing the root tip results in a general increase of auxin level in the central vascular tissues, as a consequence of the disappearance of acropetal auxin flow. PINs localization in the external tissues is also affected due to the loss of incoming auxin flow. (E) Simulated CMTs disruption (i.e. oryzalin treatment or similar) on root growth and polarity. CMTs disruption was simulated by inducing a fast degradation of the anisotropy factor. Cells lose polarity and growth anisotropy, causing the root to expand and bulge radially as observed in experiments (Baskin et al., 1994). Notice that the top cell row is considered to be a static attachment of the root to the substrate and therefore its growth is not affected during the simulation. (F) Legend and scale bars of auxin concentration and cell growth rate. ‘Auxin conc. Vasc.’ indicates auxin concentration in the vascular central tissues (the vascular cells and the pericycle), while ‘Auxin conc. non-Vasc.’ indicates auxin concentration in the remaining external tissues and the root tip. The simulations have been run for 1500 time steps.