Figure 3.
A Network tree among 111 coronaviruses (see Supplementary Table S1) was constructed from protein sequence alignments of spike protein using the SplitsTree 4.14.5. (A) The multiple reticulate networks indicate the recombination events among different coronaviruses. The isolate (HH06) of this study is highlighted in yellow squire. The other main reference sequences of SARS-CoV2, SARS-CoV, and MERS-CoVs were also included. (B) Sequence alignment of S proteins from four genera of coronaviruses. Amino acid sequence alignment of 32 S proteins was done with the MEGA7. Further, the MEGA7 alignment was used in the GeneDoc program to shade the identical and similar amino acids among all alignments. Dark shad represents identical amino acids and the gray shade indicates similar amino acids.