Fig. 3: M. trossulus Fluorescence Fraction (MtFF) used for genetic diagnosis.
(A) MtFF values for individuals sampled at two tissues. Color correspond to genetic diagnosis: red for trossulus chimeric individuals (positive for MtFF, PUF and 2TD), green for non-trossulus chimeric individuals (positive for PUF and 2TD indexes) and grey for non-chimeric individuals (negative to all indexes). Black triangles pointing up represent neoplastic individuals of type B which are not chimeric (negative to all indexes). (B) Single-sampled individuals for which genetic diagnosis correspond to MtFF value: red for trossulus chimerism (positive to MtFF) and grey for non-chimeric individuals (negative to MtFF). (A, B) The symbol form corresponds to additional diagnosis methods (histology, cytology or flow cytometry): triangles pointing up for neoplastic individuals, triangles pointing down for healthy individuals and dot for not performed (see TableS3).