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. 2021 Dec 16;12:797298. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2021.797298


Comprehensive information about the effects of myricetin in animal models Alzheimer’s disease.

Pharmacological effect Object Drug administration Possible mechanisms References
Suppress streptozotocin-induced memory impairment Rat *5, 10 mg/kg *Increase neuronal numbers in the hippocampus Ramezani et al. (2016)
*1 day before stereotactic surgery, 21 days
Suppress D-galactose-induced memory impairment Mouse *100 mg/kg *Up-regulate p-ERK1/2/CREB Lei et al. (2012)
*i.g *Increase SOD activity
*once daily, 8 weeks *Decrease TBARS levels
Suppress scopolamine-induced decrease in platform crossings and swimming time spent in the target quadrant in the Morris Water Maze test Mouse *25, 50 mg/kg *Reduce MDA levels and AChE activity, and increase SOD, GPx, catalase activity in the hippocampus Wang et al. (2017)
*once daily, 6 days
Suppress Aβ1-42-induced nuclear fragmentation and caspase-3 activation Cortical neurons *0.3, 1, 3, 10 μM *Promote ADAM10 expression Shimmyo et al., 2008
Reduce Aβ1-40/Aβ1-42 levels *Pretreatment 24 h along with 24 h of simultaneous treatment *Inhibit BACE-1 activity
Reverse scopolamine-induced increase in iron contents in the hippocampus mouse *25, 50 mg/kg *Chelate intracellular Fe2+ Wang et al. (2017)
*i.g *Inhibit TrR1 expression
*Once daily, 6 days