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. 2021 Dec 22;37(6):368–381. doi: 10.3393/ac.2021.00878.0125

Table 2.

Causative genes and clinical manifestations of inherited polyposis syndrome

Syndrome Causative gene Clinical manifestations Lifetime syndrome risk of associate neoplasmsa (%)
Colon Stomach Small bowel Pancreas Breast Endometrial Ovary Urinary Thyroid Others
FAP APC (AD) Benign soft tissue tumor, CHRPE 90 (69b) 2–5 5–20 2–5 5–20 Desmoid, MB
MAP MUTYH (AD) CRC-proximal colon, mucin, LC infiltration 43–63 Less common than those in FAP, otherwise similar spectrum to LS
PPAP POLE, POLD1 (AD) LS-like phenotype in a minority 70 9.5 12 IR
Sessile polyposis RNF43 (AD) ≥5, >rectum (≥2, ≥10 mm), ≥20 (≥5, >rectum) 20 Undetermined
Peutz-Jeghers STK11 (AD) Mucocutaneous pigmented macules 40 5–20 2–5 5–20 50 10 20
JP SMAD4, BMPR1A (AD) ≥5, extrabowel JP, family history 20–40 5–20
PHTS PTEN, PTCH (AD) Including BRRS, CS, GS, PS; Upper GIc 9 85 28 34 35 Melanoma
HMPS SCG5/GREM1 (AD) Adenoma, serrated/inflammatory polyp Undetermined

FAP, familial adenomatous polyposis; AD, autosomal dominant; CHRPE, congenital hypertrophy of retinal pigment epithelium; MB, medulloblastoma; MAP, MUTYH-associated polyposis; CRC, colorectal cancer; LC, lymphocyte; LS, Lynch syndrome; PPAP, polymerase-proofreading-associated polyposis; IR, increased rate; JP, Juvenile polyposis; PHTS, PTEN hamartoma tumor syndrome; BRRS, Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba syndrome; CS, Cowden syndrome; GS, Gorlin syndrome; PS, Proteus-like syndromes; GI, gastrointestinal; HMPS, hereditary mixed polyposis.


Lifetime syndrome risks mostly based on the American College of Gastroenterology Guideline of Hereditary Gastrointestinal Cancer Syndromes (2015; and included refer-ences; PPAP based on the National Study of Colorectal Cancer Genetics (2013), UK; PHTS based on the International Cowden Consortium (2012).


Risk in the parenthesis indicates lifetime risk (%) in attenuated FAP.


The most common upper GI lesions are esophageal glycogenic acanthosis (37%), gastric hamartomatous polyps (47%), and duodenal hamartomatous polyps (20%).