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. 2021 Nov 22;4(4):e1179. doi: 10.1002/jsp2.1179


Partial correlations for different measured metrics in the disc

Variable Min. glucose Max. lactate Min. oxygen Ave. glucose Ave. lactate Ave. oxygen Area Height Mean ADC intensity
Min. glucose 1.000 −1.000 0.997 0.789 −0.868 0.866 −0.602 −0.400 0.562
Max. lactate −1.000 1.000 −0.997 −0.788 0.866 −0.864 0.604 0.407 −0.574
Min. oxygen 0.997 −0.997 1.000 0.769 −0.848 0.849 −0.608 −0.413 0.574
Ave. glucose 0.789 −0.788 0.769 1.000 −0.976 0.972 −0.670 −0.611 0.298
Ave. lactate −0.868 0.866 −0.848 −0.976 1.000 −0.996 0.709 0.544 0.495
Ave. oxygen 0.866 −0.864 0.849 0.972 −0.996 1.000 −0.743 −0.607 −0.469

Note: Reported numbers are Pearson R correlation values of fitted linear regression between groups. The sign indicates a positive or negative correlation. All correlations were considered significant with P <.05. Grey highlighting indicates p<0.05.