Name | Species | Family | Prefix a | Assembly | N50c b | Genome coverage (×) |
Leishan spiny toad | Leptobrachium leishanense | Megophryidae | Lele | GCA_009667805.1 | 1,946,319 | 80.3 |
Mexican spadefoot toad | Spea multiplicata | Pelobatidae | Spmu | GCA_009364415.1 | 30,692 | 21 |
African bullfrog | Pyxicephalus adspersus | Pyxicephalidae | Pyad | GCA_004786255.1 | 30,445 | 189 |
American bullfrog | Lithobates catesbeianus | Ranidae | Lica | GCA_002284835.2 | 5,415 | 66 |
Common frog | Rana temporaria | Rate | aRanTem1.1 | 2,889 | 68 | |
Tibetan Plateau frog | Nanorana parkeri | Dicroglossidae | Napa | GCA_000935625.1 | 32,798 | 83 |
Eastern banjo frog | Limnodynastes dumerilii | Limnodynastidae | Lidu | GCA_011038615.1 | 10,550 | 156 |
Strawberry poison frog | Oophaga pumilio | Dendrobatidae | Oopu | GCA_009801035.1 | 5,836 | 136 |
Asiatic toad | Bufo gargarizans | Bufonidae | Buga | GCA_014858855.1 | 1,738,317 | 103 |
African clawed frog | Xenopus laevis | Pipidae | Xela | GCA_001663975.1 | 19,713 | 30 |
Western clawed frog | Xenopus tropicalis | Xetr | GCA_000004195.4 | 14,634,335 | 111.5 | |
Two‐lined caecilian | Rhinatrema bivittatum | Rhinatrematidae | Rhbi | GCA_901001135.1 | 3,216,284 | 43 |
Gaboon caecilian | Geotrypetes seraphini | Dermophiidae | Gese | GCA_902459495.1 | 20,656,571 | 67 |
Tiny cayenne caecilian | Microcaecilia unicolor | Siphonopidae | Miun | GCA_901765105.1 | 3,661,507 | 53 |
The prefix is used to discriminate the name of orthologs in species. For example, Leptobrachium leishanense Tas2r1 is referred to as LeleTas2r1.
N50c is the contig length where 50% of the assembled genome lies in blocks of at least N50C.