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. 2021 Dec 3;11(24):18011–18025. doi: 10.1002/ece3.8398
Name Species Family Prefix a Assembly N50c b Genome coverage (×)
Leishan spiny toad Leptobrachium leishanense Megophryidae Lele GCA_009667805.1 1,946,319 80.3
Mexican spadefoot toad Spea multiplicata Pelobatidae Spmu GCA_009364415.1 30,692 21
African bullfrog Pyxicephalus adspersus Pyxicephalidae Pyad GCA_004786255.1 30,445 189
American bullfrog Lithobates catesbeianus Ranidae Lica GCA_002284835.2 5,415 66
Common frog Rana temporaria Rate aRanTem1.1 2,889 68
Tibetan Plateau frog Nanorana parkeri Dicroglossidae Napa GCA_000935625.1 32,798 83
Eastern banjo frog Limnodynastes dumerilii Limnodynastidae Lidu GCA_011038615.1 10,550 156
Strawberry poison frog Oophaga pumilio Dendrobatidae Oopu GCA_009801035.1 5,836 136
Asiatic toad Bufo gargarizans Bufonidae Buga GCA_014858855.1 1,738,317 103
African clawed frog Xenopus laevis Pipidae Xela GCA_001663975.1 19,713 30
Western clawed frog Xenopus tropicalis Xetr GCA_000004195.4 14,634,335 111.5
Two‐lined caecilian Rhinatrema bivittatum Rhinatrematidae Rhbi GCA_901001135.1 3,216,284 43
Gaboon caecilian Geotrypetes seraphini Dermophiidae Gese GCA_902459495.1 20,656,571 67
Tiny cayenne caecilian Microcaecilia unicolor Siphonopidae Miun GCA_901765105.1 3,661,507 53

The prefix is used to discriminate the name of orthologs in species. For example, Leptobrachium leishanense Tas2r1 is referred to as LeleTas2r1.


N50c is the contig length where 50% of the assembled genome lies in blocks of at least N50C.