Folded states of EXGWT and EXGQQQW in solution
and in the gas phase. (A) CD spectroscopy in the far-UV region shows
near-identical secondary structures in 10 mM sodium phosphate buffer
pH 7. In 50% acetonitrile, EXGQQQW, but not EXGWT, converts to random coil. Greyed-out parts of the curves exhibited
HT voltages above 700 V, indicating increased spectral noise. (B)
ESI-MS shows a slight increase of the average charge to 5.7 for both
proteins sprayed from 50% acetonitrile. (C) In 100 mM AmAc, the 6+
charge states of EXGWT and EXGQQQW have similar
CCS distributions. (D) In 50% acetonitrile, the CCS distribution for
EXGQQQW shows an extra peak around 1550 Å2, indicating a second, more unfolded population.