Changing the
location of individual lysine residues affects the
gas-phase conformation of TTHA1718 variants. (A) ESI mass spectra
of TTHAK5E in ammonium acetate show a narrow CSD of 4+
and 5+ ions and in dH2O show a broad CSD ranging from 4+
to 9+. (B) The locations of the 9 lysine residues are indicated on
the Coulombic surface representation of WT TTHA1718 (PDB ID 2ROE). (C) The CCS distributions
of the 5+ charge states of TTHAK5E, TTHAK20E, TTHAK30E, and TTHAK61E sprayed from AmAc
at a trap voltage of 5 V show a small native-like population for TTHAK20E and TTHAK30E, whereas TTHAK5E and
TTHAK61E are mostly unfolded. The 8+ charge states from
dH2O, which can be considered mostly unfolded, reveal variant-specific
differences in their CCS distributions. The dashed line indicates
the theoretical CCS of TTHA1718.