Fig. 6.
UGT8, FABP7, and GFAP Western blotting in AxD patient and human controls.A–F, in all Western blots the samples loaded in each lane from left-to-right were: lane 1 is a 15-year-old male control, lane 2 is a 50-year-old female control, lane 3 is a 1-year-old male control, lane 4 is a 6-year-old male R239C AxD patient, lane 5 is a 14-year-old male R79C AxD patient, lane 6 is a 50-year-old female S247P AxD patient, and lane 7 is a 1-year-old male R239H AxD patient. Additional demographics for these samples are provided in supplemental Table S4. A, Western blot of FABP7, ACTIN (loading control), and GFAP. B, average Western blot fold-change for FABP7 normalized to actin with adult-onset patient sample removed (error bars SEM). C, relationship between FABP7 and GFAP for each control and AxD tissue sample. D, Western blot of UGT8, actin (loading control), and GFAP. E, average Western blot fold-change for UGT8 normalized to actin with adult-onset patient sample removed (error bars SEM). F, relationship between UGT8 and GFAP for each control and AxD tissue sample.