The predicted secondary structure and CD analysis of brevinin-2MP. ( A ) Secondary structure modeling of brevinin-2MP produced by trRosetta (a) and secondary structure comparison of brevinin-2MP and brevinin-2GHb (b) visualized with PyMOL. The predicted brevinin-2MP structure is shown in the form of ribbons, with sky blue indicating α-helix and pink indicating irregular coils, and the different amino acids of brevinin-2MP and brevinin-2GHb are labeled with different colors. ( B, C ) Secondary structures of brevinin-2MP predicted by the Jpred4 and SOPMA secondary structure prediction servers provided by the Division of Computational Biology, School of Life Sciences, University of Dundee and PBIL-IBCP of the Institute of Biology and Protein Chemistry. ( D–F ) The CD spectra of brevinin-2MP in the indicated conditions.