Ranking | Frequency | Cited journala | IF 2020b | Country | Ran-king | Centrality | Cited journala | IF 2020b | Country |
1 | 1,432 | Pain | 5.483 | Netherlands | 1 | 0.31 | Physiotherapy research international | / | United States |
2 | 1,119 | Clinical journal of pain | 2.893 | United States | 2 | 0.27 | Biological psychiatry | 12.095 | United States |
3 | 1,102 | Psychological assessment | 2.825 | United States | 3 | 0.21 | Gastroenterology | 17.373 | United States |
4 | 1,069 | Journal of pain | 4.621 | United States | 4 | 0.19 | American journal of industrial medicine | 1.739 | United States |
5 | 890 | European journal of pain | 3.492 | England | 5 | 0.18 | European spine journal | 2.458 | United States |
aJournal names according to Index of Medical Journal Abbreviations.
bIF in category according to Journal Citation Reports (2020).
IF, impact factor.