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. 2021 Dec 17;12:799666. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2021.799666

Table 1.

Published cases of patients with immune checkpoint inhibitor-induced celiac disease (ICI-CeD).

Sex, Age ICI Name Antibody Endoscopic findings Treatment Ref.
M, 62 years old Ipi tTG-IgA + Crypt apoptosis Corticosteroid (prednisone) Gentile et al.
Anti-gliadin + Crypt distortion Infliximab
Anti-endomysial – Intraepithelial lymphocytosis GFD
W, 63 years old Pembro tTG-IgA – Villous blunting GFD only Sethi et al.
Anti-gliadin + Crypt hyperplasia
W, 74 years old Nivo tTG-IgA + Villous atrophy GFD Alsaadi et al.
Ipi Mucosal erosions Corticosteroid (budesonide)
Inflammation in lamina propria
Intraepithelial lymphocytosis
M, 79 years old Pembro tTG-IgA + Villous atrophy GFD (lack of adherence) Arnouck et al.
Anti-gliadin + Lamina propria expansion, intraepithelial lymphocytes Steroid (hydrocortisone)
8 patients: 5 anti PD(L)1 tTG IgA: 8+/8 Only 6 of 8: GFD: 7/8: Badran et al.
2 W, 6 M 1 anti-CTLA4 inflammation, mucosal atrophy, mucosal ulcers or erosions (2/6), villous blunting (5/6), increased IELs
(4/6), LP cellularity (6/6), surface erosion/ulceration (5/6) - GFD alone: 5/8
From 44 to 73 years old 2 combined - GFD + steroid: 2/8
Steroid + infliximab: 1/8

GFD, gluten-free diet, ICI, immune checkpoint inhibitor; IELs, intraepithelial lymphocytes; Ipi, Ipilimumab; LP, lamina propria, M, man; Nivo, Nivolumab, Pembo, pembrolizumab, PPI, proton pump inhibitors; tTG-IgA, tissue transglutaminase IgA antibodies; W, woman.