Gene expression profiling of CD244- and CD244+ KSL cells
(A) Experimental design of the gene expression analysis. Five hundred CD244-48−KSL cells were sorted from BM of 10-week-old mice (N) and were also cultured in Stemspan SFEM medium supplemented with 100 ng/mL mSCF and 100 ng/mL hTPO for 7 days, and CD244−KSL (CN) and CD244+KSL (CP) cells were re-sorted.
(B) Volcano plot showing differentially expressed genes between CP versus N (left), CN versus N (center), and CP versus CN (right). Significant difference was defined as p < 0.01 and log2 fold change < −2 (blue) or >2 (red).
(C) K-mean clustering of genes showing different expression patterns between the three cohorts and heatmaps of selected genes. Significant difference was defined as p < 0.001 and log2 fold change < −2 or >2.
(D) Overlap of hallmarks and GO terms between the three groups based on GSEA. See also Table S2.