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. 2021 Dec 17;15:766781. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2021.766781


Criteria for inclusion based on cognitive function.

Age group Infants (4–6 y) Children and adolescents (7–19 y) Adult 1 (20–49 y) Adult 2 (≥ 50 y)
Cognitive function test K-WPPSI Block CNSVS Symbol Digit coding CNSVS Symbol Digit coding CNSVS Symbol Digit coding
Maze Reasoning Reasoning Reasoning
Picture Shift Attention Test Shift Attention Test Shift Attention Test
Vocabulary Verbal Memory IR and DR Verbal Memory IR and DR Verbal Memory IR and DR
Similarity Visual Memory IR and DR Visual Memory IR and DR Visual Memory IR and DR
Digit Span MMSE
Exclusion criteria K-WPPSI and Digit Span one out of six CNSVS one out of five tests percentile < 2% or CNSVS and MMSE one out of six
tests percentile < 2% or three tests < 7%
CNSVS three out of five tests percentile < 7% tests percentile < 2% or three tests < 7%