Table 4.
Theme 2 quotes
Participant ID | Quote |
HP2, W, NL | ‘And, yes we get these mass emails from, like, you know, through our [organisation email] and things that say we are behind you and we support you but it does not really amount to very much…Like, I would love to see an email saying; listen, we know that we are asking you to open up again but we also know that all the summer camps have been cancelled and that a lot of you do not have childcare and we know this. So just returning to normal is not normal. Like, how am I supposed to go to work and work five days a week when I have got three kids at home who are not in school and who are not going to be in camps?’ |
HP2, W, NL | ‘And as a female physician with small kids, I do not feel like that got supported much at all.’ |
HP1, W, NL | ‘But there is not really much support provided. Right? Like, other than, like, you take your kid to some random daycare… Like, that might not be perceived to be the best option for certain kids, in certain places, in certain schooling. And some people’s kids have significant learning issues, which is of course again, falling back on the parents to challenge, to deal with…’ |
HP, health professional; NL, non-leadership role; W, woman.