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. 2021 Dec 30;4(12):e2141353. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.41353

Table 3. Adjusted Changes in Calorie Content at the 90th Percentile After Implementation of Calorie Labelinga.

Category All items offered from 2012 to 2019b Items offered every year from 2012 to 2019c Items newly introduced in 2013 to 2019d Items removed in 2013 to 2019e
Mean change in calories (95% CI) Adjusted P value Mean change in calories (95% CI) Adjusted P value Mean change in calories (95% CI) Adjusted P value Mean change in calories (95% CI) Adjusted P value
All menu items 7.5 (5.1 to 9.9) <.001f 19.1 (15.3 to 23.0) <.001f −184.7 (−255.1 to −114.3) <.001f 10.7 (−33.1 to 54.5) .63
By menu item type
Foodg 9.5 (6.3 to 12.7) <.001f 21.6 (16.8 to 26.5) <.001f −94.1 (−201.0 to 12.8) .17 59.7 (4.1 to 115.2) .07
Entreesh 11.9 (6.5 to 17.4) <.001f 22.5 (13.9 to 31.0) <.001f −8.2 (−82.9 to 66.6) ≥.99 66.3 (10.1 to 122.5) .06
Appetizers and sidesi 10.3 (3.0 to 17.7) .007f 24.0 (13.3 to 34.7) <.001f 0.6 (−255.5 to 256.8) ≥.99 9.1 (−124.2 to 142.5) .89
Desserts 15.4 (−2.7 to 33.6) .10 30.7 (−1.0 to 62.3) .06 −22.3 (−499.8 to 455.2) ≥.99 130.3 (−147.2 to 407.8) .43
Toppings and ingredients 6.5 (3.8 to 9.2) <.001f 16.2 (11.6 to 20.8) <.001f −123.2 (−194.1 to −52.3) .002f 47.5 (−7.8 to 102.8) .14
Beverages 6.0 (2.2 to 9.9) .003f 18.7 (12.4 to 25.0) <.001f −153.2 (−230.0 to −76.4) .001f −143.7 (−221.7 to −65.8) .002f
By restaurant type
Fast food 11.6 (8.6 to 14.5) <.001f 22.2 (18.1 to 26.4) <.001f −401.3 (−539.0 to −263.6) <.001f −122.0 (−195.5 to −48.5) .002f
Fast casual 19.5 (9.7 to 29.4) <.001f 35.5 (22.3 to 48.7) <.001f 392.8 (212.5 to 573.0) <.001f 444.3 (229.6 to 659.1) <.001f
Full service 12.3 (2.2 to 22.4) .02f 19.9 (6.4 to 33.4) .005f −96.4 (−185.0 to −7.8) .04f 116.8 (41.1 to 192.4) .003f
Coffee 2.1 (−0.9 to 5.2) .17 7.3 (1.6 to 13.1) .01j −32.1 (−93.3 to 29.2) .31 −87.1 (−146.4 to −27.8) .004f

Data are from 35 354 menu items with calorie information offered at 59 restaurants in the MenuStat database from 2012 to 2019 and show unstandardized regression coefficients and 95% CIs for estimated change in the 90th percentile of calorie content before and after implementation of menu calorie labels, adjusted for year (continuous). P values were adjusted within families of outcomes (ie, all menu items [1 test], menu item categories [6 tests], and restaurant type categories [4 tests]) by controlling the false discovery rate at q = 0.05 using the Benjamini-Hochberg linear step-up method.27


Offered on any menu between 2012 and 2019.


Items with the same or nearly identical name and description offered by the chain every year from 2012 to 2019 with calorie information available in all years.


Not offered in 2012 and introduced after 2012.


Offered in 2012 to 2019 and removed between 2013 and 2019.


Statistically significant at P < .05.


Includes all food categories except toppings and ingredients.


Includes burgers, entrees, pizza, salad, sandwiches, and soup.


Includes appetizers and sides, baked goods, and fried potatoes.