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. 2021 Dec 17;15:784649. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2021.784649



An Ebf binding site is necessary for VAChT/ChAT reporter activity. (A) Mutating the Ebf binding site in the minimal AMG5-specific VAChT/ChAT cis-regulatory element was sufficient to abolish its activity in AMG5. Mutated reporter n = 50, wild-type reporter n = 44. (B) The AMG5-specific VAChT/ChAT reporter can be ectopically activated in ventral papilla cells at 15.5 h post-fertilization (hpf) at 20°C, by overexpressing Ebf there (using Msx > Ebf). No expression is seen in the negative control electroporated with the neutral construct Msx > lacZ instead. Images are confocal Z stack projections. (C) Yet Ebf overexpression in the ventral papilla does not cause ectopic expression of the mutated VAChT/ChAT reporter, suggesting the Ebf binding site is indispensable for Ebf-mediated activation of this element. For each of the three conditions, n = 50.