Table 1.
VSD Site | Health System (enrollment1) | IIS | Send data (to IIS) |
Receive data (from IIS)2 |
Integrate data into VSD data3 |
COVID-19 Vaccines | Other Vaccines3 | COVID-19 Vaccines | Other Vaccines4 | ||||
DH | Denver Health (179 K) | CIIS | All data | Automated | Automated | All data | All data |
HP | HealthPartners (473 K) | MIIC | All data | Automated | Automated | All data | All data* |
WIR | All data | Trigger-based* | Trigger-based* | Reconciled data* | Reconciled data | ||
KPCO | Kaiser Permanente Colorado (471 K) | CIIS | All data | Trigger-based* | Trigger-based* | All data | All data |
KPNW | Kaiser Permanente Northwest (554 K) | ALERT IIS | All data | Trigger-based | Trigger-based | All data | All data |
WA IIS | All data | Trigger-based | Trigger-based | All data | All data | ||
KPWA | Kaiser Permanente Washington (792 K) | WA IIS | All data | Automated | Automated | All data | All data |
MFC | Marshfield Clinic (172 K) | WIR | All data | Automated | Automated | All data | All data |
KPNC | Kaiser Permanente Northern California (4.2 M) | CAIR2 | All data | Automated | Trigger-based | All data | Reconciled data |
KPSC | Kaiser Permanente Southern California (4.5 M) | CAIR2 | All data | Automated | Trigger-based | All data | Reconciled data |
1 Enrollment represents total number of enrolled health plan members in 2021
2 Sites indicated how the data from IIS were received by the health system (Automated vs. Trigger-based, defined below).
Automated: IIS data on all health system members are shared on a routinized and automated batched basis (typically daily, weekly, or monthly)
Trigger-based: Specific healthcare events (e.g., ambulatory visits, scheduling visits, birthdays, etc.) will act as a trigger where a request for immunization data is pushed out to the IIS, from the health system, and all relevant immunization data is returned and made available in the EHR.
Trigger-based*: The asterisk denotes health system efforts are in progress to transition to an automated batched transfer of data.
3 Sites indicated whether IIS data are integrated into the VSD data (All data vs. Reconciled data, defined below.)
4 Other Vaccines refers to all vaccination data, other than COVID-19 vaccines.
All data: All IIS data received by the health system are available for use in VSD research.
All data*: The asterisk denotes vaccine data are available and in the process of being added.
Reconciled data: Only reconciled data (data that has been reviewed and accepted by a provider, manually or as part of a batched reconciliation) is made available for use in VSD research.
Reconciled data*: The asterisk denotes health system efforts are in progress to eliminate the need for individual reconciliation of the vaccine record before being available for use in VSD research.
CIIS: Colorado Immunization Information System
MIIC: Minnesota Immunization Information Connection
ALERT IIS: ALERT Immunization Information System (Oregon)
WAIIS: Washington Immunization Information System
WIR: Wisconsin Immunization Registry
CAIR: California Immunization Registry