Fig. 1.
Mice learn to associate multiwhisker stimulus with water reward in an automated SAT cage. (A) Schematic of SAT paradigm. In an automated training home cage, freely moving mice can initiate trials by nose poking a water port. In control, water is delivered with 80% probability per trial. In SAT, a gentle air puff is delivered followed by water delivery with 80% probability per trial. (B) Structure of a stimulus trial. Nose poke initiates delivery of an air puff followed by a small water drop 1 s later. (C) Schematic of longitudinal in vivo imaging. After recovery from cranial window surgery, mice were put into the training cage 1 d prior to imaging start. Imaging was done once every day for 5 d of control or SAT. (D) Anticipatory lick frequencies (mean ± SEM) in stimulus and blank trials across 5 d of control. Trial numbers are shown in gray shade. n = 6 mice. (E) Same as in D for SAT. n = 7 mice. Blue shade, training window.