(A) The amplified, full-length cardiac prestin cDNA from mouse inner ear, atrial (ACM), and ventricular cardiomyocytes (VCM) was obtained using inner ear cDNA as a positive control. The expression level of prestin is higher in mouse ventricular compared with that of atrial myocytes. The full-length ORF of the same size (~2.2 kb) was obtained from ACM and VCM.
(B) Cloning of human cardiac prestin (~2.2 kb). NTC, no template control.
(C) Expression of prestin detected by single-cell qPCR. Slc26a6, a member of the same gene family as prestin, was used as a control (*p < 0.05).
(D) Photomicrograph from smFISH using probes specific for Slc26a5. Single-ventricular myocytes were isolated from WT and compared with Slc26a5−/−.
(E) Photomicrograph from smFISH using probes specific for Slc26a6. Cells were counterstained using monoclonal anti-α-actinin2 antibodies.