(a) Short wavelength-AF image showing flecks associated with a ↑ AF signal pertaining to the flecks (see red arrows), which extend beyond the vascular arcades and a central region of macular atrophy (absent AF signal) with a small foveal remnant. The foveal remnant is indicated by the yellow arrow, atrophic regions are highlighted by blue arrows, a fleck with a ↑ AF signal is shown by red arrows (b) Near infrared AF image of the same patient showing flecks with predominantly ↓ AF (see orange arrow) that are more eccentric. The areas with ↓ and abnormal AF signal are also larger compared with the SW-AF image. The spared fovea can be seen in both images. The spared fovea is shown by the yellow arrow, atrophic regions by blue arrows and fleck with ↑ signal (red arrow). (c and d) Comparison between the areas of abnormal AF on (c) SW-AF imaging and (d) NIR-AF in the same eye of a different patient. The area of abnormal AF is larger and more eccentric on the NIR-AF image compared with the SW-AF image.
AF, autofluorescence; SW-AF, short-wavelength autofluorescence; NIR-AF, near infrared-wavelength autofluorescence.