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. 2021 Mar 9;137(1):110–119. doi: 10.1177/0033354921994897

Table 3.

Process of care and therapeutic management among patients (N = 915) at 3 hospitals included in a study of Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia, Los Angeles, California, 2012-2018 a

Item Low SES (n = 369) Intermediate SES (n = 294) High SES (n = 252) P value b
Infectious disease consultation 168 (46) 176 (60) 191 (76) <.001
 Teaching community hospital 34/48 (71) 73/87 (84) 140/166 (84) .09
 Academic hospital 15/21 (71) 16/26 (62) 25/35 (71) .67
 Teaching county hospital 119/300 (40) 87/181 (48) 26/51 (51) .10
 Time to infectious disease consultation from date of blood culture with positive test result for S aureus, median (IQR), d 2 (1-5) 2 (1-5) 2 (1-3) <.001
 Receipt of infectious disease consultation ≤2 days from date of first blood culture with positive test result for S aureus 84/168 (50) 92/176 (52) 134/191 (70) .001
Source-control procedures c
 Source-control procedure performed, overall 163/268 (61) 153/252 (61) 118/189 (62) .92
 By source of infection
  Skin and soft-tissue infection or bone/joint infection 80/162 (49) 63/114 (55) 56/109 (51) .63
  Device and hardware infection 38/48 (79) 36/48 (75) 30/36 (83) .65
  Line or dialysis catheter infection 45/58 (78) 54/70 (77) 32/44 (73) .08
 Time to receive source-control procedure, median (IQR), d 2 (1-4) 2 (1-4) 2 (1-5) .58
Receipt of antimicrobial agent
 Antimicrobial started on day of first positive culture 243 (66) 186 (63) 149 (59) .20
 Antimicrobial started on day after first positive culture 89 (24) 72 (24) 62 (25) .99
Duration of inpatient therapy for SAB, median (IQR), d 9 (6-16) 10 (6-17) 9 (6-16) .35
Initial anti–S aureus therapy
 Vancomycin 111 (30) 87 (30) 57 (23) .09
 Vancomycin and beta-lactam 197 (53) 142 (48) 113 (45) .11
 Daptomycin, linezolid, ceftaroline 22 (6) 15 (5) 25 (10) .06
 Anti–methicillin-sensitive S aureus beta-lactam 15 (4) 16 (5) 15 (6) .53
 Other beta-lactam 24 (7) 24 (8) 35 (14) .01
Definitive therapy
 Methicillin-resistant SAB
  Vancomycin 70 (63) 55 (59) 29 (44) .046
  Daptomycin, linezolid, or ceftaroline 38 (34) 36 (39) 35 (53) .04
 Methicillin-sensitive SAB
  Anti–methicillin-sensitive S aureus beta-lactam (oxacillin, nafcillin, cefazolin) 162 (72) 148 (78) 142 (79) .15
Antimicrobial prescribed at discharge 226/358 (63) 184/277 (66) 178/244 (73) .04
 Anti–methicillin-sensitive S aureus beta-lactam (oxacillin, nafcillin, cefazolin) 95/226 (42) 89/184 (48) 93/178 (52) .11
 Other beta-lactam 19/226 (8) 8/184 (4) 19/178 (11) .08
 Vancomycin 49/226 (22) 43/184 (23) 23/178 (13) .03
 Daptomycin 16/226 (7) 15/184 (8) 24/178 (13) .07
 Linezolid 9/226 (4) 9/184 (5) 5/178 (3) .59

Abbreviations: IQR, interquartile range; S aureus, Staphylococcus aureus; SAB, S aureus bacteremia; SES, socioeconomic status.


Source of data: all data were extracted from medical records at each hospital. All values are numerator/denominator (percentage) or number (percentage) unless otherwise indicated. Denominators are indicated when percentages were not based on number in the column head. Low SES includes people experiencing homelessness and SES quintile 1 (the quintile of people with the lowest SES), intermediate SES includes people in SES quintiles 2 and 3, and high SES includes people in SES quintiles 4 and 5 (the quintiles of people with the highest SES). SES classification was based on residential neighborhood defined at the 2010 census block–group level.


P values determined by using the Kruskal-Wallis test or analysis of variance for continuous variables and χ2 or Fisher exact test for categorical variables. P ≤ .05 was considered significant.


Source-control procedure refers to processes that are undertaken to eliminate the source of S aureus infection, including surgical procedures, removal of infected devices, or incision and drainage procedures.